Boeken Econometrist

Omdat er diverse organisaties zijn waar de Econometrist kan werken, is er een gunstig arbeidsmarktperspectief voor de Econometrist. Om na de opleiding aan de slag te kunnen, kan de Econometrist een traineeship volgen. Dit vergroot de kansen op de arbeidsmarkt. Ook zijn er goede doorgroeimogelijkheden voor de Econometrist, bijvoorbeeld naar een leidinggevende functie of naar een hoger salaris.

Er zijn een hoop verschillende manieren om je te verdiepen in het beroep Econometrist. Je kan een opleiding volgen, maar er zijn nog andere laagdrempelige manieren om aan die kennis te komen. Hieronder kan je diverse boeken, Ebooks of DVDs vinden waarmee je meer kan leren over de functie en de inhoud van het beroep Econometrist. Er zijn boeken voor de beginner of voor de Econometrist die verder wilt ontwikkelen binnen het vakgebied.

De 99 beste boeken voor een Econometrist:

Accounting for Tastes

Accounting for Tastes

Accounting for Tastes - Engels | Druk: New edition | Paperback | 9780674543577 | 292 pagina's

Economists generally accept as a given the old adage that there's no accounting for tastes. Nobel Laureate Gary Becker disagrees, and in this lively new collection he confronts the problem of preferences and values: how they are formed and how they affect our behavior. He argues that past experiences and social influences form two basic …

Spatial Analysis Methods and Practice

Spatial Analysis Methods and Practice

Spatial Analysis Methods and Practice - Engels | Paperback | 9781108712934 | 532 pagina's

This is an introductory textbook on spatial analysis and spatial statistics through GIS. Each chapter presents methods and metrics, explains how to interpret results, and provides worked examples. Topics include: describing and mapping data through exploratory spatial data analysis; analyzing geographic distributions and point patterns; spatial autocorrelation; spatial clustering; geographically weighted regression and OLS regression; …

The Econometrics of Financial Markets

The Econometrics of Financial Markets

The Econometrics of Financial Markets - Engels | Druk: 2 | Hardcover | 9780691043012 | 632 pagina's

The past twenty years have seen an extraordinary growth in the use of quantitative methods in financial markets. Finance professionals now routinely use sophisticated statistical techniques in portfolio management, proprietary trading, risk management, financial consulting, and securities regulation. This graduate-level textbook is intended for PhD students, advanced MBA students, and industry professionals interested in the …

Introductory Econometrics, International Edition

Introductory Econometrics, International Edition

Introductory Econometrics, International Edition - Engels | Druk: International ed of 5th Revised ed | Paperback | 9781111534394 | 912 pagina's

Discover how empirical researchers today actually think about and apply econometric methods with the practical, professional approach in Wooldridge's INTRODUCTORY ECONOMETRICS, 5E, International Edition. Unlike traditional books on the subject, INTRODUCTORY ECONOMETRICS, 5E, International Edition's unique presentation demonstrates how econometrics has moved beyond just a set of abstract tools to become a genuinely useful tool …

New Introduction to Multiple Time Series Analysis

New Introduction to Multiple Time Series Analysis

New Introduction to Multiple Time Series Analysis - Engels | Druk: 1 | Hardcover | 9783540401728 | 764 pagina's

This is the new and totally revised edition of Lutkepohl's classic 1991 work. It provides a detailed introduction to the main steps of analyzing multiple time series, model specification, estimation, model checking, and for using the models for economic analysis and forecasting. The book now includes new chapters on cointegration analysis, structural vector autoregressions, cointegrated …

The Mind under the Axioms

The Mind under the Axioms

The Mind under the Axioms - Engels | Paperback | 9780128151310 | 216 pagina's

The Mind under the Axioms reviews two basic ingredients of our understanding of human decisions - conative aspects (preferences) and cognitive aspects (beliefs). These ingredients are axiomatized in modern decision theory in the view to obtain a formally and empirically tractable representation of the decision-maker. The main issue developed in this book is the connection …

Essentials of MIS

Essentials of MIS

Essentials of MIS - Engels | Druk: 12 | Paperback | 9781292153773 | 528 pagina's

For introductory courses in Information Systems or Management Information Systems. Connect Essential MIS Concepts to Everyday Life Essentials of MIS takes an in-depth look at how today's businesses use information technologies and systems to achieve corporate objectives. Current real-world business cases illustrate how companies have identified and ultimately solved key business challenges using information systems …

Introductory Econometrics for Finance

Introductory Econometrics for Finance

Introductory Econometrics for Finance - Engels | Druk: 3 | Paperback | 9781107661455 | 740 pagina's

Introductory Econometrics for Finance 3e editie is een boek van Chris Brooks uitgegeven bij Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781107661455 This bestselling and thoroughly classroom-tested textbook is a complete resource for finance students. A comprehensive and illustrated discussion of the most common empirical approaches in finance prepares students for using econometrics in practice, while detailed case …

Econometric Analysis

Econometric Analysis

Econometric Analysis - Engels | Druk: 8th edition | Hardcover | 9780134461366 | 1176 pagina's

For first-?year graduate courses in Econometrics for Social Scientists. Bridging the gap between social science studies and econometric analysis Designed to bridge the gap between social science studies and field-econometrics, Econometric Analysis, 8th Edition presents this ever-growing area at an accessible level. The book first introduces readers to basic techniques, a rich variety of models, …

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