Boeken Imam

Afgestudeerde imams vinden over het algemeen redelijk snel een baan, er zijn echter weinig vaste fulltime aanstellingen. Er zijn weinig doorgroeimogelijkheden.

Er zijn een hoop verschillende manieren om je te verdiepen in het beroep Imam. Je kan een opleiding volgen, maar er zijn nog andere laagdrempelige manieren om aan die kennis te komen. Hieronder kan je diverse boeken, Ebooks of DVDs vinden waarmee je meer kan leren over de functie en de inhoud van het beroep Imam. Er zijn boeken voor de beginner of voor de Imam die verder wilt ontwikkelen binnen het vakgebied.

De 99 beste boeken voor een Imam:

Justice and Remembrance

Justice and Remembrance

Justice and Remembrance - Engels | E-book | 9780857735256 | 28 juni 2006 | Adobe ePub

Ali b. Abi Talib, son-in-law and cousin of the Prophet Muhammad, first Shi'i imam and fourth caliph, is a monumental figure within the Islamic tradition. But despite the immense importance of Imam Ali, there is a dearth of literature in Western languages about his life and thought. This book - the first serious engagement in …

Solar Panel Efficiency Enhancement

Solar Panel Efficiency Enhancement

Solar Panel Efficiency Enhancement - Engels | Paperback | 9783659112867 | 30 april 2012 | 164 pagina's

Fossil fuels are limited and are running out through extensive usage. Therefore alternative source of energy is more important now than ever before. Unlike traditional power plants, electricity generation using solar power systems provides an environment friendly way to harness energy, produces virtually no emission and consumes no fuel other than sunlight. The energy collection …

Kitabü'Sünne: Hadislerle İman İlkeleri

Kitabü'Sünne: Hadislerle İman İlkeleri

Kitabü'Sünne: Hadislerle İman İlkeleri - Turks | E-book | 9786059494892 | 01 januari 2001 | -270304

Şifâ-i Şerîf, Şemâil-i Şerîf ve el-Edebü'l-Müfred şerhleriyle nebevî örnekliği sade anlatım diliyle aktaran Yaşar Kandemir hoca efendiden yeni bir eser. İtikadî ve imanî konulara yönelen hücumlara karşı âlimlerin kitâbü's-sünne başlığıyla meydana koydukları hadis derlemelerinin en meşhurlarından, İmâm Ebû Dâvûd'un Kitâbü's-Sünne'si, büyük imamın es-Sünen adlı eserindeki 177 hadisi bir araya getiriyor. Mehmet Yaşar Kandemir'in yalın ve …

islamic geometric paterns coloring book

islamic geometric paterns coloring book

islamic geometric paterns coloring book - Engels | Paperback | 9798654256119 | 15 juni 2020 | 60 pagina's
Ibn Majid

Ibn Majid

Ibn Majid - Engels | Paperback | 9781921772405 | 10 december 2019 | 24 pagina's

Ibn Majid loved sailing the open seas and discovering new places. This famous Muslim invented the compass, and is known as one of the great explorers of his time. Through beautiful illustrations and easy-to-understand text, this book introduces children to Ibn Majid, The Master Navigator , as well as the du'a (prayer) before leaving one's …

The Science of Getting Ripped: Proven Diet Hacks and Workout Tricks to Burn Fat and Build Muscle in Half the Time

The Science of Getting Ripped: Proven Diet Hacks and Workout Tricks to Burn Fat and Build Muscle in Half the Time

The Science of Getting Ripped: Proven Diet Hacks and Workout Tricks to Burn Fat and Build Muscle in Half the Time - Engels | E-book | 9781386463160 | 06 maart 2019 | Epub zonder kopieerbeveiliging (DRM)

Here's How an Overworked Computer Engineer Accidentally Discovered the Little-Known 'Secrets' to Build Muscle and Lose Fat I'd had enough of my unhealthy lifestyle… I didn't exercise … I had a two hour commute to my hospital IT job in Chicago… I had a wife and 2 kids (4 & 7) And most of the …

Timeless Seeds of Advice

Timeless Seeds of Advice

Timeless Seeds of Advice - Engels | E-book | 9781643544069 | 04 augustus 1989 | Adobe ePub

This book presents beautiful advice from the Quran, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), and Islam's greatest scholars on guidance, repentance, and purification. Bukhari records on the authority of Abu-Hurayrah that Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said: "Your actions alone will not save any of you." They asked: "Messenger of Allah, not …

Intégrité de l’islam : Recommandations pour une pratique religieuse parfaite

Intégrité de l’islam : Recommandations pour une pratique religieuse parfaite

Intégrité de l’islam : Recommandations pour une pratique religieuse parfaite - Frans | E-book | 9782841616213 | 01 juli 2011 | Epub zonder kopieerbeveiliging (DRM)

Cette oeuvre de l’imam al-Haddad, sa plus longue, fut achevée en 1089 de l’Hégire. Il en avait rédigé presque la moitié au moment de partir pour le hajj, et les chapitres correspondants furent lus en sa présence à La Mecque et à Médine, où on l’avait accueilli avec enthousiasme, le considérant comme le savant le …

Spiritual Islamic Dream Interpretation

Spiritual Islamic Dream Interpretation

Spiritual Islamic Dream Interpretation - Engels | E-book | 9783756248933 | 16 maart 2022 | Adobe ePub

In this book, you will find numerous Islamic dream interpretations. People from all cultures can benefit from these interpretations and discover a way to interpret their dreams according to the Islamic conception. The dream interpretations come from great Islamic scholars who have established themselves as dream interpreters and are recognized in the Islamic world.

Women Gender & Development Reader

Women Gender & Development Reader

Women Gender & Development Reader - Engels | Paperback | 9781848135871 | 07 juli 2011 | 472 pagina's

Ideal for those studying or with a keen interest in women in the development process.

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