Boeken Slijter

Er is een gemiddelde vraag naar Slijters. De Slijter kan doorgroeien door zijn eigen slijterij te openen of zijn kennis over en aanbod van alcoholische dranken uit te breiden.

Er zijn een hoop verschillende manieren om je te verdiepen in het beroep Slijter. Je kan een opleiding volgen, maar er zijn nog andere laagdrempelige manieren om aan die kennis te komen. Hieronder kan je diverse boeken, Ebooks of DVDs vinden waarmee je meer kan leren over de functie en de inhoud van het beroep Slijter. Er zijn boeken voor de beginner of voor de Slijter die verder wilt ontwikkelen binnen het vakgebied.

De 99 beste boeken voor een Slijter:

Sexuele geheimen

Sexuele geheimen - Nederlands | Druk: 1 | Bindwijze overig | 9789070461027 | 383 pagina's

Sexuele geheimen 1e druk is een boek van Douglas. ISBN 9789070461027 Sexuele geheimen

Ghosts, Gold Diggers and Gun Slingers

Ghosts, Gold Diggers and Gun Slingers

Ghosts, Gold Diggers and Gun Slingers - Engels | Hardcover | 9781465347398 | 130 pagina's

What turned Atlanta professional man John Henry Doc Holiday into a stone cold killer? What was Docs weapon of choice? Who really killed Pat Garrett? Did Wyatt Earp ever track down his brother Virgils killer? What minister of the gospel became the wests deadliest paid killer? Who was the wildest of Butch Cassidys Wild Bunch? …

Proceedings of the European Workshop on Software Ecosystems 2017

Proceedings of the European Workshop on Software Ecosystems 2017

Proceedings of the European Workshop on Software Ecosystems 2017 - Engels | E-book | 9783752857436

The European Workshop on Software Ecosystems is an annual event which connects researchers and fellow professionals in the field of software ecosystems. Presentations in 2017 included: 1. Software M&A Ecosystems -- Industry Keynote by Julis Telaranta, Corum 2. Sandbox vs. Toolbox - Analyzing boundary Resource in B2B Software Platforms -- Maximilian Schreieck, Robert Finke, …

Ink Slinger

Ink Slinger

Ink Slinger - Engels | E-book | 9781301816651

Ink Slinger definition: slang. n. A professional writer, or one who edits/proofreads for professional writers. Anna has aspirations to one day become a writer. Her dream takes a step toward reality when she has the opportunity to edit a book for one of her new favorite authors. But she gets a slow start on it …

Proceedings of European Workshop on Software Ecosystems

Proceedings of European Workshop on Software Ecosystems

Proceedings of European Workshop on Software Ecosystems - Engels | Druk: 1 | E-book | 9783848239771

Proceedings of the European Workshop on Software Ecosystems 2012 The research on software ecosystems still is a young and emerging field. We created the European Workshop on Software Ecosystems to: - bring together the research community from all over Europe and - share, present and discuss their latest research with business experts from the software …

Gun Slinger or Serial Killer? Western Outlaw John Wesley Hardin

Gun Slinger or Serial Killer? Western Outlaw John Wesley Hardin - Engels | Paperback | 9781973735946 | 128 pagina's

“A bullet to the front of the head demonstrates good marksmanship. A bullet to the back of the head demonstrates good judgment.” So quotes John Wesley Hardin, one of the infamous killers in the old west. But, like modern day killer Henry Lee Lucas, was he more of a bragger than a killer? Or was …

Klim- slinger- en leiplanten

Klim- slinger- en leiplanten

Klim- slinger- en leiplanten - Nederlands | Druk: 1 | Paperback | 9789021527871 | 160 pagina's

Een lelijke muur camoufleren met een fraai groen blad, een pergola overhuiven met een wolk van bloemen, de grond bedekken met sierlijke ranken- het zijn maar enkele van de talloze toepassingsmogelijkheden met klim-, slinger-, en leiplanten. Dit boek vertelt u daar alles over, maar geeft tevens heel veel praktische informatie. Zoals de juiste wijze van …

Lightning Slinger of Andersonville

Lightning Slinger of Andersonville

Lightning Slinger of Andersonville - Engels | Paperback | 9780982218921 | 228 pagina's

Teddie O'Dunn, a telegrapher-depot agent or "lightning slinger," falls in love with the granddaughter of a Calvary man in General Sherman's army. Their trials, tribulations, and heartaches are the subject of this work.

Proceedings of the European Workshop on Software Ecosystems 2014

Proceedings of the European Workshop on Software Ecosystems 2014

Proceedings of the European Workshop on Software Ecosystems 2014 - Engels | Paperback | 9783734752537 | 126 pagina's

Research on software ecosystems still is a young and emerging field. While many researchers are active in this field, vibrant research communities still have to be built. This is why we created the European workshop on software ecosystems: to bring together researchers from all over Europe to present and discuss software ecosystem topics. To make …

Collaboration in Outsourcing

Collaboration in Outsourcing

Collaboration in Outsourcing - Engels | E-book | 9780230362994 | 400 pagina's

Although IT outsourcing is nothing new, it remains surprisingly challenging for professionals. This book assists the IT professional in several areas of the outsourcing process: establishing outsourcing relationships, maintaining and managing the relationship, and finally governing outsourcing projects successfully.

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