Boeken JAVA Developer

Binnen organisaties wordt veel gewerkt met (complexe) systemen die geprogrammeerd zijn met JAVA. Er is dan ook voldoende vraag naar JAVA Developers.

Als een passende opleiding gevolgd is, kan de JAVA Developer beginnen met een traineeship om zo al werkende de kneepjes van het vak te leren. Later wordt dan doorgestroomd naar de functie van JAVA Developer. Vanuit deze functie kan de JAVA Developer zich ontwikkelen binnen het team en bij geschiktheid doorstromen naar leidinggevende binnen het team. Vaak voert de JAVA Developer dan ook nog de taken uit die bij de functie horen en stuurt daarnaast een team van ontwikkelaars aan.

Er zijn een hoop verschillende manieren om je te verdiepen in het beroep JAVA Developer. Je kan een opleiding volgen, maar er zijn nog andere laagdrempelige manieren om aan die kennis te komen. Hieronder kan je diverse boeken, Ebooks of DVDs vinden waarmee je meer kan leren over de functie en de inhoud van het beroep JAVA Developer. Er zijn boeken voor de beginner of voor de JAVA Developer die verder wilt ontwikkelen binnen het vakgebied.

De 98 beste boeken voor een JAVA Developer:

Practical Internet of Things with JavaScript

Practical Internet of Things with JavaScript

Practical Internet of Things with JavaScript - Engels | E-book | 9781788295598 | 22 december 2017 | Adobe ePub

End to end solutions for IoT enthusiasts and web developers About This Book Leverage the capability of IoT with the combination of Raspberry Pi 3 and JavaScript (ES5/ES6) Develop a health monitoring device along with some cool projects like Smart Agriculture & Raspberry Pi 3 based surveillance. A practical book which will help you build …

HTML5 Cookbook

HTML5 Cookbook

HTML5 Cookbook - Engels | E-book | 9781449322069 | 07 november 2011 | 284 pagina's | Epub zonder kopieerbeveiliging (DRM)

With scores of practical recipes you can use in your projects right away, this cookbook helps you gain hands-on experience with HTML5"s versatile collection of elements. You get clear solutions for handling issues with everything from markup semantics, web forms, and audio and video elements to related technologies such as geolocation and rich JavaScript APIs. …

Web Developer's Cookbook

Web Developer's Cookbook

Web Developer's Cookbook - Engels | E-book | 9780071794329 | 23 april 2012 | 992 pagina's | Adobe ePub

300+ Ready-to-Use PHP, JavaScript, and CSS Solutions Web Developer's Cookbook contains more than 300 PHP, JavaScript, and CSS recipes you can use right away to create interactive Web content. All of the solutions are fully documented and their functionality clearly explained, along with customization tips. The recipes include HTML examples and screen shots showing exactly …

The Well-Grounded Java Developer

The Well-Grounded Java Developer

The Well-Grounded Java Developer - Engels | E-book | 9781638351764 | 09 juli 2012 | Adobe ePub

Summary The Well-Grounded Java Developer offers a fresh and practical look at new Java 7 features, new JVM languages, and the array of supporting technologies you need for the next generation of Java-based software. About the Book The Well-Grounded Java Developer starts with thorough coverage of Java 7 features like try-with-resources and NIO.2. You'll then …

Microsoft Azure for Java Developers

Microsoft Azure for Java Developers - Engels | Paperback | 9781484282502 | 30 augustus 2022 | 356 pagina's

Intermediate user level Learn Azure-based features to build and deploy Java applications on Microsoft’s Azure cloud platform. This book provides examples of components on Azure that are of special interest to Java programmers, including the different deployment models that are available. The book shows how to deploy your Java applications in Azure WebApp, Azure Kubernetes …

Scala for Java Developers

Scala for Java Developers

Scala for Java Developers - Engels | Paperback | 9781484231074 | 15 december 2017 | 245 pagina's

Master the fundamentals of Scala and understand its emphasis on functional programming that sets it apart from Java. This book will help you translate what you already know in Java to Scala to start your functional programming journey. Learn Scala is split into four parts: a tour of Scala, a comparison between Java and Scala, …

The HTML and CSS Workshop

The HTML and CSS Workshop

The HTML and CSS Workshop - Engels | E-book | 9781838828134 | 28 november 2019 | Adobe ePub

Master HTML and CSS to create modern, stylish, and responsive websites with the help of real-world examples and hands-on activities Key Features Learn HTML and CSS to produce highly functional and appealing websites Overcome common challenges in web design and development Ensure that your websites are accessible and engaging on all devices Book Description With …

Learning jQuery - Fourth Edition

Learning jQuery - Fourth Edition

Learning jQuery - Fourth Edition - Engels | Paperback | 9781782163145 | 25 juni 2013 | 444 pagina's

Step through each of the core concepts of the jQuery library, building an overall picture of its capabilities. Once you have thoroughly covered the basics, the book returns to each concept to cover more advanced examples and techniques. This book is for web designers who want to create interactive elements for their designs, and for …

Clojure for Java Developers

Clojure for Java Developers

Clojure for Java Developers - Engels | Paperback | 9781785281501 | 23 februari 2016 | 156 pagina's

Transition smoothly from Java to the most widely used functional JVM-based language - Clojure About This Book * Write apps for the multithreaded world with Clojure's flavor of functional programming * Discover Clojure's features and advantages and use them in your existing projects * The book is designed so that you'll be able put to …

Advanced Techniques for JavaTM Developers

Advanced Techniques for JavaTM Developers

Advanced Techniques for JavaTM Developers - Engels | Paperback | 9780471327189 | 01 februari 1999 | 528 pagina's

This text covers advanced techniques in Java for networking, distributed object programming, parallel programming, and security - need-to-know information for building business applications. Features added since the first edition include protected domains, reference objects, collections, package versions and drag and drop. There are also major updates to JavaBeans, JFCs, RMI, security, Java2D, and Java database …

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