Boeken Toxicoloog

Het arbeidsmarktperspectief voor een Toxicoloog is gemiddeld. Het is ook afhankelijk van de specialisatie die hij heeft gekozen. In het buitenland zijn wellicht meer mogelijkheden.
Een beginnend Toxicoloog assisteert een senior. Later zal hij zelf senior worden en meer verantwoordelijkheden krijgen. En zelf junioren begeleiden. Eventueel kan hij bij genoeg ervaring overstappen naar een groter bedrijf.
Er zijn een hoop verschillende manieren om je te verdiepen in het beroep Toxicoloog. Je kan een opleiding volgen, maar er zijn nog andere laagdrempelige manieren om aan die kennis te komen. Hieronder kan je diverse boeken, Ebooks of DVDs vinden waarmee je meer kan leren over de functie en de inhoud van het beroep Toxicoloog. Er zijn boeken voor de beginner of voor de Toxicoloog die verder wilt ontwikkelen binnen het vakgebied.

De 99 beste boeken voor een Toxicoloog:

Companion and Complementary Diagnostics

Companion and Complementary Diagnostics

Companion and Complementary Diagnostics - Engels | Druk: 1 | Paperback | 9780128135396 | 508 pagina's

Companion and Complementary Diagnostics: From Biomarker Discovery to Clinical Implementation provides readers with in-depth insights into the individual steps in the development of companion diagnostic assays, from the early biomarker discovery phase straight through to final regulatory approval. Further, the clinical implementation of companion diagnostic testing in the clinic is also discussed. As the development …

Food Safety and Toxicity

Food Safety and Toxicity

Food Safety and Toxicity - Engels | Druk: illustrated edition | Hardcover | 9780849394881 | 368 pagina's

Food Safety and Toxicity examines the many problems and changes in food safety and toxicity. From a natural science viewpoint, this informative book takes on challenging and important topics impacting food researchers, regulators, producers, healthcare providers, educators, and consumers. It is organized into three main sections. Section 1 explores the relationship between the origin or …

Core Curriculum for Forensic Nursing

Core Curriculum for Forensic Nursing

Core Curriculum for Forensic Nursing - Engels | E-book | 9781496328441

The International Association of Forensic Nurses has developed The Core Curriculum for Forensic Nursing, First Edition, for nurses who aim to work in, and gain certification in the field. The book is well illustrated with full cover photographs and images vital to a solid understanding of forensic nursing. Written by the world's experts in forensic …

Diagnose MS Wat nu?

Diagnose MS Wat nu?

Diagnose MS Wat nu? - Nederlands | Druk: 1 | Paperback | 9789090320908 | 224 pagina's

Is er een uitweg voor iemand met Multiple Sclerose (MS)? Kun de ziekte tot stilstand brengen of zelfs genezen? Louise De Lange nam na de diagnose MS in 2012 geen genoegen met het uitzichtloze scenario dat de specialist schetste, en is zelf op onderzoek uitgegaan naar genezing van MS. Tijdens die zoektocht ontdekte ze mogelijke …

Chasing Molecules

Chasing Molecules

Chasing Molecules - Engels | Druk: 1 | Paperback | 9781610911610 | 288 pagina's

Each day, headlines warn that baby bottles are leaching dangerous chemicals, nonstick pans are causing infertility, and plastic containers are making us fat. What if green chemistry could change all that? What if rather than toxics, our economy ran on harmless, environmentally-friendly materials? Elizabeth Grossman, an acclaimed journalist who brought national attention to the contaminants …



PIHKAL - Engels | E-book | 9780963009616

Alexander (better known as “Sasha”) and Ann Shulgin’s PiHKAL: A Chemical Love Story has become a foundational work in the genre and was the first book to fully impart the how-to chemistry, and convey the effects, of many of the entheogenic drugs that are currently being studied and used to heal trauma and deal with …

Haschek and Rousseaux's Handbook of Toxicologic Pathology

Haschek and Rousseaux's Handbook of Toxicologic Pathology

Haschek and Rousseaux's Handbook of Toxicologic Pathology - Engels | Druk: 3 | Hardcover | 9780124157590 | 3054 pagina's

Discusses topics in the area of toxicologic pathology and broadens the scope of the audience to include toxicologists and pathologists working in a variety of settings. This title offers content in a multi-contributed work written by leading international authorities in all areas of toxicologic pathology.

The Venomous Reptiles of the Western Hemisphere

The Venomous Reptiles of the Western Hemisphere

The Venomous Reptiles of the Western Hemisphere - Engels | Druk: Two-volume set | Hardcover | 9780801441417 | 528 pagina's

Two-volume set. Since the publication of The Venomous Reptiles of Latin America by Cornell University Press in 1989, scientific discoveries and taxonomic changes have resulted in the addition of many taxa and species to the herpetological fauna of the Western Hemisphere. This updated, heavily rewritten, and greatly expanded version of that book now includes accounts …

Goldfrank's Toxicologic Emergencies

Goldfrank's Toxicologic Emergencies

Goldfrank's Toxicologic Emergencies - Engels | Druk: 6th Revised edition | Hardcover | 9780838531488 | 1952 pagina's

Edited by sixth internationally known experts, this comprehensive reference is comprised of 117 chapters covering toxicologic emergencies, related environmental problems, and issues affecting the emergency department, the poison control center and the poisoned patient. The sixth edition features 12 new chapters. In addition, an accompanying study guide provides several case studies as well as a …

Case Studies in Medical Toxicology

Case Studies in Medical Toxicology - Engels | Druk: 1st ed. 2017 | Hardcover | 9783319564470 | 256 pagina's

The ACMT National Case Conference (NCC) is a monthly discussion of novel or interesting cases in medical toxicology. Participation is through online webinar, and the conferences are recorded to allow for review at any time. The cases in this book are taken from recordings of NCC with edits and revisions by contributors and editors to …

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