Boeken Teamleider financiële administratie

Er is een gemiddelde vraag naar Teamleiders Financiële Administratie. Vaak groeit de Teamleider Financiële Administratie ook door vanuit een lagere functie.

Er zijn een hoop verschillende manieren om je te verdiepen in het beroep Teamleider financiële administratie. Je kan een opleiding volgen, maar er zijn nog andere laagdrempelige manieren om aan die kennis te komen. Hieronder kan je diverse boeken, Ebooks of DVDs vinden waarmee je meer kan leren over de functie en de inhoud van het beroep Teamleider financiële administratie. Er zijn boeken voor de beginner of voor de Teamleider financiële administratie die verder wilt ontwikkelen binnen het vakgebied.

De 98 beste boeken voor een Teamleider financiële administratie:

CIMA F2 Advanced Financial Reporting

CIMA F2 Advanced Financial Reporting

CIMA F2 Advanced Financial Reporting - Engels | Paperback | 9781472714442 | 01 juli 2014

BPP Learning Media provides comprehensive materials that highlight the areas to focus on for your exams and complement the syllabus to increase your understanding.

Financiele almanak 2003

Financiele almanak 2003 - Nederlands | Paperback | 9789013000139 | 157 pagina's

FINANCIELE ALMANAK 2003 is een boek van Uitgeverij Kluwer BV

International Financial Statement Analys

International Financial Statement Analys

International Financial Statement Analys - Engels | Hardcover | 9781118999479 | 02 februari 2015 | 1072 pagina's

Now in its third edition, International Financial Statement Analysis is the definitive guide that offers financial analysts, investment analysts, portfolio managers, and asset allocators the most up-to-date and detailed information on the topic. Written by an authoritative team of experts, this comprehensive resource includes the most recent standards and methods for effectively evaluating financial statements …

Financial Management And Real Options

Financial Management And Real Options

Financial Management And Real Options - Engels | Paperback | 9780471899341 | 27 november 2002 | 456 pagina's

Covers financial management with an international focus. Written by a noted corporate finance specialist, this book assists operating managers in attaining the financial objectives of their companies and reporting financial results to owners, creditors, and employees. Financial Management and Real Options provides comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of financial management. Jack Broyles writing style makes concepts …

Financial Accounting, Reporting, and Analysis

Financial Accounting, Reporting, and Analysis

Financial Accounting, Reporting, and Analysis - Engels | Paperback | 9780198745310 | 11 mei 2017 | 936 pagina's

Offering both technical and interpretative content, this is the only truly balanced financial accounting textbook to provide students not only with the 'how' and 'why' of financial information, but also guidance on what this means in practice.

Brückenkurs - Brückenkurs Bilanzierung

Brückenkurs - Brückenkurs Bilanzierung

Brückenkurs - Brückenkurs Bilanzierung - Duits | E-book | 9783846343272 | 18 februari 2015 | 60 pagina's | Adobe ePub

Optimal vorbereitet in die Vorlesung Die erste Vorlesung zu einem neuen Thema ist stets ein Sprung ins kalte Wasser, denn Studierende werden darin mit neuen Begriffen, Methoden und Denkweisen konfrontiert. Der Brückenkurs vermittelt vorab Wissenswertes zur Bilanzierung. Kreuzworträtsel und Single-Choice-Tests helfen beim Verständnis. Eignet sich besonders für die Orientierungsphase und Vorbereitungskurse.

Wiley Regulatory Reporting - Wiley IFRS 2017

Wiley Regulatory Reporting - Wiley IFRS 2017

Wiley Regulatory Reporting - Wiley IFRS 2017 - Engels | E-book | 9781119340249 | 24 februari 2017 | Adobe ePub

The one-stop resource for IFRS interpretation and application, updated for 2017 Wiley IFRS 2017 offers a complete resource for the interpretation and application of the latest International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as outlined by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). With up-to-date coverage and a host of practical tools, this book provides invaluable guidance on …

Company Financial Reporting

Company Financial Reporting

Company Financial Reporting - Engels | Paperback | 9780631201663 | 10 oktober 1997 | 240 pagina's

aeo Examines company financial reporting from the non--financial perspective of the generalist. aeo Takes a critical, analytical and discursive approach to company reporting. aeo Includes real life company financial statements and reports. This text is a clear, non-technical and analytical introduction to company reporting for students in business and management at all levels. It has …

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