Boeken Nanotechnoloog

Er is een gemiddelde vraag naar Nanotechnologen. Door succesvol te zijn en goed onderzoek af te leveren kan de Nanotechnoloog doorgroeien.

Er zijn een hoop verschillende manieren om je te verdiepen in het beroep Nanotechnoloog. Je kan een opleiding volgen, maar er zijn nog andere laagdrempelige manieren om aan die kennis te komen. Hieronder kan je diverse boeken, Ebooks of DVDs vinden waarmee je meer kan leren over de functie en de inhoud van het beroep Nanotechnoloog. Er zijn boeken voor de beginner of voor de Nanotechnoloog die verder wilt ontwikkelen binnen het vakgebied.

De 97 beste boeken voor een Nanotechnoloog:

Living machines

Living machines

Living machines - Engels | Hardcover | 9780199674923 | 26 april 2018 | 656 pagina's

Contemporary research in the field of robotics attempts to harness the versatility and sustainability of living organisms with the hope of rendering a renewable, adaptable, and robust class of technology that can facilitate self-repairing, social, and moral—even conscious—machines. This landmark volume surveys this flourishing area of research.

Suspension Plasma Spray Coating of Advanced Ceramics: Thermal Barrier Applications

Suspension Plasma Spray Coating of Advanced Ceramics: Thermal Barrier Applications - Engels | Hardcover | 9781032257853 | 01 september 2022 | 272 pagina's

Suspension Plasma Spray Coating of Advanced Ceramics presents the significance of suspension plasma spray coating of ceramics for thermal barrier applications. It covers suspension formation and optimization in different oxide and non-oxide mixtures and ceramic matrix composites (CMC) of sub-micron and nanosized powders.

Flexible High Performance Magnetic Field Sensors

Flexible High Performance Magnetic Field Sensors

Flexible High Performance Magnetic Field Sensors - Engels | E-book | 9783031053634 | 26 augustus 2022 | Adobe ePub

This contributed volume reviews the latest advances in all the new technologies currently developed for MagnetoEncephaloGraphy (MEG) recordings, as well as sensor technologies and integrated sensor arrays for on-scalp MEG. The book gives an account of the first MEG imaging studies and explores the new field of feasible, experimental paradigms of on-scalp MEG. This is …

Liquid Crystals with Nano/Micro Particles and Their Applications

Liquid Crystals with Nano/Micro Particles and Their Applications - Engels | E-book | 9781000860337 | 31 maart 2023 | Adobe ePub

LCs are self-organized anisotropic fluids that are thermodynamically located between the isotropic liquid and the crystalline phase, exhibiting the fluidity of liquids as well as the long-range lattice order that can only be found in crystalline solids. The addition of nanomaterials to a LC material produces a composite or colloidal dispersion and results into a …

Nano-scale CMOS Analog Circuits

Nano-scale CMOS Analog Circuits

Nano-scale CMOS Analog Circuits - Engels | E-book | 9781351831994 | 03 september 2018 | Adobe ePub

Reliability concerns and the limitations of process technology can sometimes restrict the innovation process involved in designing nano-scale analog circuits. The success of nano-scale analog circuit design requires repeat experimentation, correct analysis of the device physics, process technology, and adequate use of the knowledge database. Starting with the basics, Nano-Scale CMOS Analog Circuits: Models and …

High-Energy Chemistry and Processing in Liquids

High-Energy Chemistry and Processing in Liquids

High-Energy Chemistry and Processing in Liquids - Engels | E-book | 9789811677984 | 05 februari 2022 | Adobe ePub

This book focuses on chemical reactions and processing under extreme conditions—how materials react with highly concentrated active species and/or in a very confined high-temperature and high-pressure volume. Those ultimate reaction environments created by a focused laser beam, discharges, ion bombardments, or microwaves provide characteristic nano- and submicron-sized products and functional nanostructures. The book explores the …

Introduction to Nano Solar Cells

Introduction to Nano Solar Cells

Introduction to Nano Solar Cells - Engels | Hardcover | 9789814877497 | 15 december 2023 | 500 pagina's

This book presents the applications of nanomaterials and nanostructures in photovoltaic solar cells, elaborates how they can help achieve high photoelectric conversion efficiency, and introduces readers to the important work done in this field.

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