Boeken Primatoloog

Er is weinig vraag naar Primatologen. Om aan de slag te kunnen als Primatoloog moet de Primatoloog gedreven zijn en zich volledig voor zijn vak in willen zetten.

Er zijn een hoop verschillende manieren om je te verdiepen in het beroep Primatoloog. Je kan een opleiding volgen, maar er zijn nog andere laagdrempelige manieren om aan die kennis te komen. Hieronder kan je diverse boeken, Ebooks of DVDs vinden waarmee je meer kan leren over de functie en de inhoud van het beroep Primatoloog. Er zijn boeken voor de beginner of voor de Primatoloog die verder wilt ontwikkelen binnen het vakgebied.

De 97 beste boeken voor een Primatoloog:

Primate Males

Primate Males

Primate Males - Engels | Druk: New title | Hardcover | 9780521651196 | 328 pagina's

The size and composition of primate groups varies tremendously across species, within species, and within groups over time. The most variable quantity is the number of adult males. In some groups, single males can monopolize access to several females, whereas reproduction is shared among several males in other groups. This variation lies at the heart …

Biology of Snub-Nosed Monkeys, Douc Langurs, Proboscis Monkeys & Simakobus

Biology of Snub-Nosed Monkeys, Douc Langurs, Proboscis Monkeys & Simakobus

Biology of Snub-Nosed Monkeys, Douc Langurs, Proboscis Monkeys & Simakobus - Engels | Hardcover | 9781624176210 | 116 pagina's

Within the Colobinae, the genera Rhinopithecus (snub-nosed monkeys), Pygathrix (douc langurs) and Nasalis (proboscis monkeys and simakobus) are informally grouped as the odd-nosed monkeys. While these genera comprise an eclectic mix featuring remarkable natural histories, this ecologically diverse group previously received little attention from the scientific community. In the last decade, however, a plethora of …

Monkey Portraits

Monkey Portraits

Monkey Portraits - Engels | Druk: illustrated edition | Paperback | 9780316005128 | 112 pagina's

We share about 98 percent of our DNA with chimpanzees, our closest biological cousins. And never have the similarities between simians and humans been so amusingly and brilliantly captured as in Monkey Portraits by celebrity photographer Jill Greenberg.Jill has spent 15 years photographing everyone from Kelly Osbourne to Clint Eastwood, but has recently focused on …

Primate Communities

Primate Communities

Primate Communities - Engels | Druk: 1 | Hardcover | 9780521620444 | 339 pagina's

Although the behaviour and ecology of primates have been more thoroughly studied than that of any other group of mammals, there have been very few attempts to compare the communities of living primates found in different parts of the world. In Primate Communities, an international group of experts compares the composition, behaviour and ecology of …

Evolving Human Primate

Evolving Human Primate

Evolving Human Primate - Engels | Paperback | 9781536122428 | 250 pagina's
Behavioural Diversity in Chimpanzees and Bonobos

Behavioural Diversity in Chimpanzees and Bonobos

Behavioural Diversity in Chimpanzees and Bonobos - Engels | Druk: illustrated edition | Hardcover | 9780521803540 | 296 pagina's

Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and bonobos (Pan paniscus), otherwise known as pygmy chimpanzees, are the only two species of the genus Pan. As they are our nearest relatives, there has been much research devoted to investigating the similarities and differences between them. This book offers an extensive review of the most recent observations to come from …

Evolutionary Biology and Conservation of Titis, Sakis and Uacaris

Evolutionary Biology and Conservation of Titis, Sakis and Uacaris

Evolutionary Biology and Conservation of Titis, Sakis and Uacaris - Engels | Druk: 1 | Hardcover | 9780521881586 | 420 pagina's

The neotropical primate family Pitheciidae consists of four genera Cacajao (uacaris), Callicebus (titis), Chiropotes (bearded sakis) and Pithecia (sakis), whose 40+ species display a range of sizes, social organisations, ecologies and habitats. Few are well known and the future survival of many is threatened, yet pitheciines have been little studied. This book is the first …

All the World's Primates

All the World's Primates

All the World's Primates - Engels | Paperback | 9781940496061 | 800 pagina's

All the Worlds Primates is een boek van Pogonias Press

Primates in Flooded Habitats

Primates in Flooded Habitats

Primates in Flooded Habitats - Engels | Hardcover | 9781107134317 | 478 pagina's

Nearly half the world's primate species use flooded habitats at one time or another, from swamp-going Congo gorillas and mangrove-eating proboscis monkeys, to uacaris in Amazonian riverside forests. This first-ever volume on the subject brings together experts from around the world in a ground breaking volume spanning fossil history, current biology and future research and …

The Real Chimpanzee

The Real Chimpanzee

The Real Chimpanzee - Engels | Druk: 1 | Hardcover | 9780521110082 | 196 pagina's

The Real Chimpanzee encapsulates the fascinating behaviour of wild chimpanzees and discusses the differences observed in different populations across the species, and across the many levels of their social behaviour. It explains why sex competition and predation pressures in a forest chimpanzee population made the females of the group highly social and gave the males …

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