Boeken Primatoloog

Er is weinig vraag naar Primatologen. Om aan de slag te kunnen als Primatoloog moet de Primatoloog gedreven zijn en zich volledig voor zijn vak in willen zetten.

Er zijn een hoop verschillende manieren om je te verdiepen in het beroep Primatoloog. Je kan een opleiding volgen, maar er zijn nog andere laagdrempelige manieren om aan die kennis te komen. Hieronder kan je diverse boeken, Ebooks of DVDs vinden waarmee je meer kan leren over de functie en de inhoud van het beroep Primatoloog. Er zijn boeken voor de beginner of voor de Primatoloog die verder wilt ontwikkelen binnen het vakgebied.

De 97 beste boeken voor een Primatoloog:

Mama's Last Hug

Mama's Last Hug

Mama's Last Hug - Engels | Hardcover | 9781783784103 | 348 pagina's

Mama's Last Hug opens with the moving farewell between Mama, a dying chimpanzee matriarch, and her human friend, a professor who inspired the author's work. Their parting, the video of which has been watched by millions online, is not only a window into the deep bonds they shared, but into the remarkable emotional capacities of …

Faces in the Forest

Faces in the Forest

Faces in the Forest - Engels | Druk: 1 | Paperback | 9780674290082 | 170 pagina's

The woolly spider monkey, or muriqui, is one of the most threatened primate species in the world. Because of deforestation in their natural habitat—the Atlantic coastal forests of southeastern Brazil—the muriquis are confined to less than 3 percent of their original range. As of 1987, there were only a dozen forest fragments known to support …

Primate's Memoir

Primate's Memoir

Primate's Memoir - Engels | Druk: New ed | Paperback | 9780099285779 | 304 pagina's

Book-smart and more than a little naive, Robert Sapolsky left the comforts of college in the US for a research project studying a troop of baboons in Kenya. Whether he's relating his adventures with his neighbours, Masai tribesmen, or his experiences learning how to sneak up and dart suspicious baboons, Sapolsky combines irreverence and humour …

Primate Ecology and Conservation

Primate Ecology and Conservation

Primate Ecology and Conservation - Engels | Druk: 1 | Hardcover | 9780199659449 | 448 pagina's

The study of primate ecology and conservation has advanced rapidly in recent years. This practical volume brings together a group of distinguished primate researchers to synthesize field, laboratory, and conservation management techniques for primate ecology and conservation. The synthesis focuses on new and emerging field methods alongside a comprehensive presentation of laboratory and data analysis …

Das Geheimnis der Affenmenschen

Das Geheimnis der Affenmenschen

Das Geheimnis der Affenmenschen - Duitstalig | Druk: 1 | E-book | 9783941122154

Das Geheimnis der Affenmenschen befasst sich mit mysteriösen Begegnungen mit sogenannten Wild- oder Affenmenschen und geht deren Hintergründen nach. Wesen wie der wilden Frau Zana, dem mysteriösen Azzo Bassou oder auch Krao, die für Aufsehen sorgten. Gibt es Hinweise darauf, dass verborgen vor dem Menschen eine verwandte Art, sogenannte Relikthominiden, überlebte und bis heute existiert?

Primate Models of Human Neurogenic Disorders

Primate Models of Human Neurogenic Disorders - Engels | Druk: 1 | E-book | 9781351216326

Originally published in 1976, this volume reports research that will help us to understand the causes of psychogenic diseases. It deals both experimentally and theoretically with the question of symptom specificity in psychosomatic research - why some individuals respond to psychological stress with gastric disorders, others with sexual impotence, and still others with high blood …

The Mandrill

The Mandrill

The Mandrill - Engels | E-book | 9781316461488

Living in the remote forests of western central Africa, the mandrill (Mandrillus sphinx) is notoriously elusive and has evaded scientific scrutiny for decades. Yet, it is the largest and most sexually dimorphic of all the Old World monkeys, and perhaps the most colourful of all the mammals. Synthesising the results of more than twenty-five years …

Growth, Maturation, and Body Composition

Growth, Maturation, and Body Composition

Growth, Maturation, and Body Composition - Engels | Druk: New title | Hardcover | 9780521374491 | 300 pagina's

Growth, Maturation and Body Composition documents one of the most remarkable and significant studies in the field of human biology. The Fels Longitudinal Study is the longest, largest and most productive serial study of human growth, maturation and body composition. This book shows how data collected from more than 1000 participants during the past 60 …

Wild Men

Wild Men

Wild Men - Engels | E-book | 9781311557063

What was a 'Wild Man' -beast or man? Gibson has compiled 220 related newspaper articles, most over 100 years old, covering 42 states, Canada, and elsewhere. Read how witness accounts of Wild Men were reported - generally a bipedal, hairy, mostly naked, and elusive creature. Sometimes it's obvious what people saw; other times not. Some …



Monkeytalk - Engels | E-book | 9780226124384

Monkey see, monkey do—or does she? Can the behavior of non-human primates—their sociality, their intelligence, their communication—really be chalked up to simple mimicry? Emphatically, absolutely: no. And as famed primatologist Julia Fischer reveals, the human bias inherent in this oft-uttered adage is our loss, for it is only through the study of our primate brethren …

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