Boeken Transfer Pricing Specialist

Omdat Transfer Pricing een specialistische tak van sport is, is er in principe maar voor weinigen werk. Daarbij komt dat je erg goed in je vak moet zijn en er affiniteit mee moet hebben, anders 'overleef' je de zware werkdruk vaak niet. Het is dus niet voor iedereen weggelegd. Als je goed bent creëer je in dit soort functies een baan, als je niet goed bent is er voor jou vaak zo een ander.

Er zijn een hoop verschillende manieren om je te verdiepen in het beroep Transfer Pricing Specialist. Je kan een opleiding volgen, maar er zijn nog andere laagdrempelige manieren om aan die kennis te komen. Hieronder kan je diverse boeken, Ebooks of DVDs vinden waarmee je meer kan leren over de functie en de inhoud van het beroep Transfer Pricing Specialist. Er zijn boeken voor de beginner of voor de Transfer Pricing Specialist die verder wilt ontwikkelen binnen het vakgebied.

De 84 beste boeken voor een Transfer Pricing Specialist:

Controlling & auditing in de praktijk 86 -   Transfer pricing

Controlling & auditing in de praktijk 86 - Transfer pricing

Controlling & auditing in de praktijk 86 - Transfer pricing - Nederlands | Paperback | 9789013059069 | 02 december 2008 | 106 pagina's

Transfer pricing 1e druk is een boek van A. Hosman uitgegeven bij Vakmedianet Management. ISBN 9789013059069 De omvang van de handel binnen ondernemingen is de afgelopen jaren sterk gegroeid. Het vraagstuk van de prijs voor deze goederen of diensten, de interne verrekenprijs of transfer price, is van belang om interne conflicten te beperken. Maar is …

Transfer Pricing in China

Transfer Pricing in China

Transfer Pricing in China - Engels | E-book | 9789811376894 | 30 mei 2019 | Adobe ePub

This book offers up to date insights into the exciting world of China’s extensive economic activity through the pervasive and often secretive practice of transfer pricing. It begins with an explanation of transfer pricing itself and goes on to explore how intricately it can infiltrate the trading practices of the commercial lives of both foreign …

An Analysis of Adequate OECD Transfer Pricing Methods for Intangible Property

An Analysis of Adequate OECD Transfer Pricing Methods for Intangible Property

An Analysis of Adequate OECD Transfer Pricing Methods for Intangible Property - Engels | E-book | 9783668021938 | 24 juli 2015 | 32 pagina's | Adobe ePub

Bachelor Thesis from the year 2015 in the subject Economics - International Economic Relations, Management Center Innsbruck, language: English, abstract: Due to increased globalisation over the last years and enhanced activities of multinational enterprises (MNEs), intra-firm trade has become more and more important. Intra-firm trade is estimated to constitute about one third of the global …

Transfer Pricing Methods

Transfer Pricing Methods

Transfer Pricing Methods - Engels | Hardcover | 9780471573609 | 19 maart 2004 | 320 pagina's

All companies that import or export product to an affiliate company are subject to transfer pricing - the sale, license, or lease of a product from one affiliated company to another. This book provides a comprehensive analysis of the various transfer pricing methods that are available to today's company. Advanced praise for Transfer Pricing Methods …

Transfer Pricing Handbook

Transfer Pricing Handbook

Transfer Pricing Handbook - Engels | Hardcover | 9781118347614 | 02 oktober 2012 | 448 pagina's

Learn OECD guidance on business taxation in multiple countries A business that is not aware of all of its exposure to the tax policy of each country in which it does business may find itself paying more in taxes that the share of profit it generates.

Transfer Pricing and Corporate Taxation

Transfer Pricing and Corporate Taxation

Transfer Pricing and Corporate Taxation - Engels | Paperback | 9781441926784 | 29 oktober 2010 | 194 pagina's

National tax authorities individually determine multinational ?rms’ country-speci?c tax liabilities by applying one or more sanctioned transfer pricing methodologies. Transfer pricing is often identified as the most important tax issue that multinational corporations face. This publication is an extremely useful tool for practitioners and tax directors grappling with complex and contentious transfer pricing issues of …

Dokumentationspflicht für Transfer Pricing

Dokumentationspflicht für Transfer Pricing

Dokumentationspflicht für Transfer Pricing - Duits | E-book | 9783640417865 | 03 september 2009 | Adobe ePub

Zwischenprüfungsarbeit aus dem Jahr 2009 im Fachbereich BWL - Rechnungswesen, Bilanzierung, Steuern, Note: 85/100, Marmara Üniversitesi, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die Dokumentationsvorschriften zu Verrechnungspreissachverhalten bilden einen wesentlichen Teil. Bereits früher hat die Finanzverwaltung bei einer Betriebsprüfung zu Verrechnungspreisen vom Steuerpflichtigen im Rahmen seiner erhöhten Mitwirkungspflicht bei Auslandssachverhalten die Beantwortung detaillierter Fragen und die Vorlage umfangreicher Unterlagen …

Cambridge Tax Law Series -  Resolving Transfer Pricing Disputes

Cambridge Tax Law Series - Resolving Transfer Pricing Disputes

Cambridge Tax Law Series - Resolving Transfer Pricing Disputes - Engels | E-book | 9781139904582 | 06 december 2012 | Adobe ePub

Via a global analysis of more than 180 transfer pricing cases from 20 representative jurisdictions, Resolving Transfer Pricing Disputes explains how the law on transfer pricing operates in practice and examines how disputes between taxpayers and tax administrations are dealt with around the world. It has been designed to be an essential complement to the …

Asia-Pacific Transfer Pricing Handbook

Asia-Pacific Transfer Pricing Handbook

Asia-Pacific Transfer Pricing Handbook - Engels | Hardcover | 9781118359372 | 04 januari 2013 | 704 pagina's

An overarching look at transfer pricing regimes in Asia-Pacific countries and what they mean for foreign businesses A comprehensive guide for companies doing business globally, Asia-Pacific Transfer Pricing Handbook explains the policies and practices that Asia-Pacific countries employ with regards to taxing foreign businesses.

Routledge Library Editions: Multinationals - Multinationals and Transfer Pricing

Routledge Library Editions: Multinationals - Multinationals and Transfer Pricing

Routledge Library Editions: Multinationals - Multinationals and Transfer Pricing - Engels | E-book | 9781351999687 | 03 februari 2017 | Adobe ePub

One of the reasons for the success of multinational enterprises in their ability to create in their supranational organisations "internal markets" which eliminate the imperfections of external world markets caused by tariffs on trade, restrictions on the flow of capital, information costs and so on. The method multinationals use to create and sustain internal markets …

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