Boeken Biofysicus

De Biofysicus stroomt meestal vanuit de opleiding door naar een functie als onderzoeker. Door het doen van goed en vernieuwend onderzoek kan de Biofysicus successen behalen en doorgroeien.

Er zijn een hoop verschillende manieren om je te verdiepen in het beroep Biofysicus. Je kan een opleiding volgen, maar er zijn nog andere laagdrempelige manieren om aan die kennis te komen. Hieronder kan je diverse boeken, Ebooks of DVDs vinden waarmee je meer kan leren over de functie en de inhoud van het beroep Biofysicus. Er zijn boeken voor de beginner of voor de Biofysicus die verder wilt ontwikkelen binnen het vakgebied.

De 99 beste boeken voor een Biofysicus:



Physics - Engels | Paperback | 9781481274623 | 174 pagina's

For many centuries, Aristotle's Physics was the essential starting point for anyone who wished to study the natural sciences. Aristotle deals with many abstract ideas in this book, examining the phenomenon of being, space, motion, matter, time, infinity, magnitude, and more. This book is basically an explanation on how the universe works--as Aristotle understood it. …

Neutron Scattering in Biology

Neutron Scattering in Biology

Neutron Scattering in Biology - Engels | Druk: 2006 | Hardcover | 9783540291084 | 560 pagina's

The advent of new neutron facilities and the improvement of existing sources and instruments world wide supply the biological community with many new opportunities in the areas of structural biology and biological physics. The present volume offers a clear description of the various neutron-scattering techniques currently being used to answer biologically relevant questions. Their utility …

Wood - The Internal Optimization of Trees

Wood - The Internal Optimization of Trees

Wood - The Internal Optimization of Trees - Engels | Druk: 1 | Paperback | 9783540620198 | 131 pagina's

Here are two physicists looking over the fence of physics, getting thrilled by the life and growth of trees, taking an altogether different, exciting view of wood: trees produce wood for their own benefit. They do not live for the benefit of man who builds his world using wood as a raw material. Timber is …


Biotensegrity - Engels | Druk: 2nd edition | Paperback | 9781909141841 | 204 pagina's

The emerging science of biotensegrity provides a fresh context for rethinking our understanding of human movement, but its complexities can be formidable. Biotensegrity: The Structural Basis of Life, Second edition - now with full color illustrations throughout - explores and explains the concept of biotensegrity and provides an understanding and appreciation of anatomy and physiology …

Basic and Clinical Perspectives in Vision Research

Basic and Clinical Perspectives in Vision Research

Basic and Clinical Perspectives in Vision Research - Engels | Druk: 1 | Paperback | 9781475793642 | 232 pagina's

I have been asked to write a brief foreword to this volume honoring Hisako Ikeda, providing a review of the accomplishments in our field over the past four decades, when Hisako was an active participant. This I am delighted to do. It has been a most exciting time in vision research and Hisako has been …

Leadership and Challenges in Medical Physics: A Strategic and Robust Approach

Leadership and Challenges in Medical Physics: A Strategic and Robust Approach

Leadership and Challenges in Medical Physics: A Strategic and Robust Approach - Engels | E-book | 9780750313957

Leadership and Challenges in Medical Physics: A Strategic and Robust Approach aims to help present aspiring future medical physics leaders with effective, strategic and robust leadership skills in a world dominated by austerity economics, inter-professional competition and sometimes unchecked commoditization. Chapters are dedicated to healthy leadership and leadership styles, organizational politics, organizational psychology and negotiating …

Facets of Vision

Facets of Vision

Facets of Vision - Engels | Druk: 1 | Paperback | 9783642740848 | 454 pagina's

The papers published in this Volume are the fruits of a symposium held in Regensburg in April 1987. The meeting was held to com memorate two most significant events in the development of com pound eye research. In chronological order these are firstly, Sigmund Exner's seminal monograph on the physiology of compound eyes of crustaceans …

Principles of Tissue Engineering

Principles of Tissue Engineering

Principles of Tissue Engineering - Engels | Druk: 2 | E-book | 9780080539676 | 995 pagina's

Tissue engineering is a rapidly growing area of biomedical research with obvious commercial applications. This text aims to strike a balance between the diversity of subjects that are related to tissue engineering, including biology, chemistry, material science, engineering, immunlogy, and transplantation, while emphasizing those research areas that are likely to be of the most value …

Principles of Tissue Engineering

Principles of Tissue Engineering

Principles of Tissue Engineering - Engels | Druk: 5th edition | Hardcover | 9780128184226 | 1678 pagina's

Now in its fifth edition, Principles of Tissue Engineering has been the definite resource in the field of tissue engineering for more than a decade. The fifth edition provides an update on this rapidly progressing field, combining the prerequisites for a general understanding of tissue growth and development, the tools and theoretical information needed to …

Compendium to Radiation Physics for Medical Physicists

Compendium to Radiation Physics for Medical Physicists

Compendium to Radiation Physics for Medical Physicists - Engels | E-book | 9783642201868

This exercise book contains 300 typical problems and exercises in modern physics and radiation physics with complete solutions, detailed equations and graphs. This textbook is linked directly with the textbook ''Radiation Physics for Medical Physicists'', Springer (2010) but can also be used in combination with other related textbooks. For ease of use, this textbook has …

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