Boeken Curator

Nadat de Curator een juridische opleiding gevolgd heeft, gaat de Curator eerst vaak aan de slag als advocaat om ervaring op te doen. Hier kan de Curator doorgroeien naar de functie van Curator. Binnen de juridische wereld zijn vaak nog wel meer doorgroeimogelijkheden.  

Er zijn een hoop verschillende manieren om je te verdiepen in het beroep Curator. Je kan een opleiding volgen, maar er zijn nog andere laagdrempelige manieren om aan die kennis te komen. Hieronder kan je diverse boeken, Ebooks of DVDs vinden waarmee je meer kan leren over de functie en de inhoud van het beroep Curator. Er zijn boeken voor de beginner of voor de Curator die verder wilt ontwikkelen binnen het vakgebied.

De 99 beste boeken voor een Curator:

100 Secrets Of The Art World

100 Secrets Of The Art World

100 Secrets Of The Art World - Engels | Paperback | 9783863359614 | 06 oktober 2016 | 144 pagina's

An indispensable and fun guide to the contemporary art world.

David Smith

David Smith - Engels | Paperback | 9780916365479 | 01 mei 1997 | 84 pagina's

This catalogue examines a major though little-known body of David Smith's work. Enraged by the rise of fascism that he witnessed while visiting Europe in the 1930s, Smith began to work on the "Medals for Dishonor." Approaching the tradition of commemorative medallions ironically, Smith denounces historical players who willingly contributed to the horrors of war.

Medjugorje - la Madonna parla del futuro del mondo

Medjugorje - la Madonna parla del futuro del mondo

Medjugorje - la Madonna parla del futuro del mondo - Italiaans | E-book | 9786050354034 | 02 februari 2015 | Adobe ePub

In questo nuovo libro sui fenomeni di Medjugorje, vengono presentati i temi più importanti della fede alla luce dell'attuale contesto mondiale. In questo periodo di crisi imperante, di conflitti, di gravi tensioni, che corrispondono anche ad una massiccia scristianizzazione, all'abbandono di Dio e di ogni forma di spiritualità da parte di moltissime persone, i messaggi …

MJ Manifesta Journal

MJ Manifesta Journal - Engels | Paperback | 9788836618255 | 04 april 2011 | 128 pagina's

This issue of Manifesta Journal takes its title from "The Author as Producer," a lecture delivered by Walter Benjamin in 1934 in which he argues that the presumed autonomy of the creator is in fact always oriented toward a deliberate choice or, as he calls it, a "tendency": a political, social, and ethical position. Assuming …

A curator's camera

A curator's camera

A curator's camera - Nederlands | Hardcover | 9789074271394 | 94 pagina's

Dit product is Als nieuw

Museum Lighting – A Guide for Conservators and Curators

Museum Lighting – A Guide for Conservators and Curators

Museum Lighting – A Guide for Conservators and Curators - Engels | Paperback | 9781606066379 | 18 februari 2020 | 328 pagina's

Author David Saunders, former keeper of conservation and scientific research at the British Museum, explores how to balance the conflicting goals of visibility and preservation under a variety of conditions. Beginning with the science of how light, color, and vision function and interact, he proceeds to offer detailed studies of the impact of light on …

Italian Wines: A Guide to the World of Italian Wine for Experts and Wine Lovers

Italian Wines: A Guide to the World of Italian Wine for Experts and Wine Lovers

Italian Wines: A Guide to the World of Italian Wine for Experts and Wine Lovers - Engels | Paperback | 9781890142100 | 01 juli 2006 | 912 pagina's

'Italian Wines 2006' provides a thorough and detailed picture of the best wine production in Italy. The wines are all reviewed, evaluated and assigned to categories.

De gereedschapskist van de curator

De gereedschapskist van de curator

De gereedschapskist van de curator - Nederlands | Hardcover | 9789013134049 | 12 november 2015 | 536 pagina's

Vanuit de wens meer leden te betrekken bij de vele activiteiten van Insolad is het traditionele congres dit jaar georganiseerd door een breed uit leden samengestelde commissie. De gedachten losjes vormend aan de hand van een terugblik op de vorige 23 congresbundels, bleven deze hangen op het befaamde 'De curator, een octopus'. Bij dat congres …

The Curator's Daughter

The Curator's Daughter

The Curator's Daughter - Engels | E-book | 9781496444196 | 09 maart 2021 | Adobe ePub

A young girl, kidnapped on the eve of World War II, changes the lives of a German archaeologist forced into the Nazi Party and—decades later—a researcher trying to overcome her own trauma. 1940. Hanna Tillich cherishes her work as an archaeologist for the Third Reich, searching for the Holy Grail and other artifacts to bolster …

Cream 3 / druk 1

Cream 3 / druk 1

Cream 3 / druk 1 - Engels | Hardcover | 9780714843117 | 23 juni 2003 | 448 pagina's

The latest of the series of 'biennales in a book', CREAM 3 offers an authoritative view on the world of contemporary art for today and tomorrow. 10 international curators, renowned experts in contemporary art, have each chosen 10 artists who, they believe, best exemplify what is happening in the contemporary art world today and who …

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