Boeken Social Trader

Het arbeidsmarktperspectief voor Social Traders is redelijk. Je kunt eigenlijk alleen aan de slag bij grote, beursgenoteerde bedrijven. Overigens kun je er ook voor kiezen om een traineeship te doen en door te groeien naar een functie als Trader.
Je start als Trader. Bij goede resultaten kun je een Social Trader worden door je strategieën te laten volgen door computersoftware. 
Er zijn een hoop verschillende manieren om je te verdiepen in het beroep Social Trader. Je kan een opleiding volgen, maar er zijn nog andere laagdrempelige manieren om aan die kennis te komen. Hieronder kan je diverse boeken, Ebooks of DVDs vinden waarmee je meer kan leren over de functie en de inhoud van het beroep Social Trader. Er zijn boeken voor de beginner of voor de Social Trader die verder wilt ontwikkelen binnen het vakgebied.

De 65 beste boeken voor een Social Trader:

Boulots de merde !

Boulots de merde !

Boulots de merde ! - Franstalig | E-book | 9782348041136

Les boulots de merde sont partout : fatigue, ennui, servitude et finances en berne. Mais qu'est-ce qui définit un boulot de merde ? Du distributeur de prospectus au cost-killer en audit, du mécano externalisé à la personal shopper pour emplettes de luxe, enquête à travers le vaste territoire de ceux qui, à leur insu ou …

Social Trading For Beginners:

Social Trading For Beginners:

Social Trading For Beginners: - Engels | E-book | 9781537828701

social trading has grown by over 150% in the past two years with sites like eToro gaining over 2 million users. Y You can join in today and start making money just like the pros with no learning. In this guide book we will go though: - The best social trading platforms How to choose …

Thomas Varker Keam

Thomas Varker Keam

Thomas Varker Keam - Engels | Druk: 1 | Paperback | 9780806148595 | 366 pagina's

Thomas Varker Keam owned and operated a trading post in Keams Canyon, Arizona Territory, from 1874 to 1902. He was the first trader to develop American Indian arts and crafts as part of his business and the first to suggest that Native artists modify their techniques to increase sales. Keam had a major impact on …

Traders, Planters and Slaves

Traders, Planters and Slaves

Traders, Planters and Slaves - Engels | Druk: New edition | Paperback | 9780521894142 | 248 pagina's

The explosive growth of the Atlantic slave trade in the second half of the seventeenth century made the international trade in Africans one of the world's largest industries. This book explores the operation of that industry in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, focusing on the market behaviour of the Royal African Company - …

Indian Traders On The Southeast Border

Indian Traders On The Southeast Border

Indian Traders On The Southeast Border - Engels | Paperback | 9780813018546 | 452 pagina's

Long shrouded in mystery and myth, the principal entrepreneurs of the southeastern Spanish borderlands find life in this comprehensive, illuminating narrative representing a significant benchmark in Florida historical scholarship. --J. Earle Bowden, Editor, Pensacola News-Journal.

Traders in Motion

Traders in Motion - Engels | Paperback | 9781501719837 | 264 pagina's

With essays covering diverse topics, from seafood trade across the Vietnam-China border, to street traders in Hanoi, to gold shops in Ho Chi Minh City, Traders in Motion spans the fields of economic and political anthropology, geography, and sociology to illuminate how Vietnam's rapidly expanding market economy is formed and transformed by everyday interactions among …

Traders and Raiders

Traders and Raiders

Traders and Raiders - Engels | E-book | 9781469615851 | 256 pagina's

The Colorado River region looms large in the history of the American West, vitally important in the designs and dreams of Euro-Americans since the first Spanish journey up the river in the sixteenth century. But as Natale A. Zappia argues in this expansive study, the Colorado River basin must be understood first as home to …

Journal of an Indian Trader

Journal of an Indian Trader

Journal of an Indian Trader - Engels | Druk: illustrated edition | Paperback | 9781585440160 | 180 pagina's

A decade before the celebrated mountain men entered the Northern Plains and Rockies, some dozen little-known trading forays were launched into the plains of the Southwest. Anthony Glass led one of the most important. In 1808–1809, with a party of twelve hunter-traders, he acted as semi-official emissary of the U.S. government in the practically uncharted …

The Jumanos

The Jumanos

The Jumanos - Engels | Druk: 1 | E-book | 9780292789753

In the late sixteenth century, Spanish explorers described encounters with North American people they called "Jumanos." Although widespread contact with Jumanos is evident in accounts of exploration and colonization in New Mexico, Texas, and adjacent regions, their scattered distribution and scant documentation have led to long-standing disagreements: was "Jumano" simply a generic name loosely applied …

Vanguards of the Frontier

Vanguards of the Frontier

Vanguards of the Frontier - Engels | Paperback | 9780803250482 | 574 pagina's

"A faithful and brilliant study of some of the roots of the American way."—Joseph Henry Jackson, New York Herald Tribune Books

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