Boeken Biofysicus

De Biofysicus stroomt meestal vanuit de opleiding door naar een functie als onderzoeker. Door het doen van goed en vernieuwend onderzoek kan de Biofysicus successen behalen en doorgroeien.

Er zijn een hoop verschillende manieren om je te verdiepen in het beroep Biofysicus. Je kan een opleiding volgen, maar er zijn nog andere laagdrempelige manieren om aan die kennis te komen. Hieronder kan je diverse boeken, Ebooks of DVDs vinden waarmee je meer kan leren over de functie en de inhoud van het beroep Biofysicus. Er zijn boeken voor de beginner of voor de Biofysicus die verder wilt ontwikkelen binnen het vakgebied.

De 99 beste boeken voor een Biofysicus:

From Strange Simplicity to Complex Familiarity

From Strange Simplicity to Complex Familiarity

From Strange Simplicity to Complex Familiarity - Engels | Paperback | 9780198841944 | 768 pagina's

This book presents a vivid argument for the almost lost idea of a unity of all natural sciences. It starts with the strange physics of matter, including particle physics, atomic physics and quantum mechanics, cosmology, relativity and their consequences (Chapter I), and it continues by describing the properties of material systems that are best understood …

Komisch, alles chemisch

Komisch, alles chemisch - Duitstalig | Bindwijze overig | 9783837146219
The Changing Body

The Changing Body

The Changing Body - Engels | Paperback | 9780521705615 | 456 pagina's

Humans have become much taller and heavier, and experience healthier and longer lives than ever before in human history. However it is only recently that historians, economists, human biologists and demographers have linked the changing size, shape and capability of the human body to economic and demographic change. This fascinating and groundbreaking book presents an …

Guidance on the Personal Monitoring Requirements for Personnel Working in Healthcare

Guidance on the Personal Monitoring Requirements for Personnel Working in Healthcare

Guidance on the Personal Monitoring Requirements for Personnel Working in Healthcare - Engels | E-book | 9780750321990

Arrangements for personal monitoring have evolved as dose limits and practices using radiation have developed. Therefore, new approaches, involving more personal dosimetry, are required and methods are needed that can be used to predict probable dose levels, so that risk assessments can be prepared to determine the level of dose monitoring for individual staff members. …



BIOCHIMICA DELLA LIEVITAZIONE DEL PANE - Italiaanstalig | E-book | 1230002584300

Moltissime reazioni biochimiche avvengono ogni giorno intorno a noi e dentro di noi. La biochimica entra in azione ogni volta che cuociamo qualcosa di buono da mangiare per esempio una bella bistecca o una fantastica torta (utile per festeggiare il compleanno dei nostri cari). In questo manuale viene spiegato ai ragazzi come fare un semplice …

Oxygen Transport to Tissue XXI

Oxygen Transport to Tissue XXI

Oxygen Transport to Tissue XXI - Engels | Druk: 1999 ed. | Hardcover | 9780306462818 | 805 pagina's

The International Society on Oxygen Transport to Tissue (lSOTT) held its 26th annual meeting from August 23-26, 1998, and met for the second time in Budapest. As captured in the design of the ISOTT'98 logo, the venue of the conference was the Budapest Hilton in the heart of the historic Castle District in Buda, across …

Komisch, alles chemisch!

Komisch, alles chemisch!

Komisch, alles chemisch! - Duitstalig | Druk: 19012 | 9783426277676 | 256 pagina's
Radiation, Ionization, and Detection in Nuclear Medicine

Radiation, Ionization, and Detection in Nuclear Medicine

Radiation, Ionization, and Detection in Nuclear Medicine - Engels | Druk: 2013 ed. | Hardcover | 9783642340758 | 516 pagina's

This book will serve as the definitive source of detailed information on radiation, ionization, and detection in nuclear medicine. It opens by considering fundamental aspects of nuclear radiation, including dose and energy, sources, and shielding. Subsequent chapters cover the full range of relevant topics, including the detection and measurement of radiation exposure (with detailed information …

The Physiology of the Joints - Volume 1

The Physiology of the Joints - Volume 1

The Physiology of the Joints - Volume 1 - Engels | Druk: 7th edition | Paperback | 9781912085590 | 368 pagina's

The Physiology of the Joints, conceived and written more than forty years ago by Dr. A. I. Kapandji, deals with biomechanics, a subject until then mentioned only incidentally in textbooks of anatomy. Following his lead, every anatomy textbook nowadays has a large component devoted to the functional aspect of the locomotor system, which has become …

Van fysica naar biofysica

Van fysica naar biofysica

Van fysica naar biofysica - Nederlands | Druk: 1 | Paperback | 9789033480881 | 633 pagina's

Het voorbije decennium heeft de fysica op nanoschaal een enorme vlucht genomen. Het bestuderen van stucturen ter grootte van een miljoenste van een millimeter heeft ons inzicht in biologische processen op cellulair en moleculair niveau enorm uitgebreid. Biofysici trachten met een heel klein aantal fundamentele concepten en interacties het leven te ontrafelen. Dit vereist echter …

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