Boeken Biofysicus

De Biofysicus stroomt meestal vanuit de opleiding door naar een functie als onderzoeker. Door het doen van goed en vernieuwend onderzoek kan de Biofysicus successen behalen en doorgroeien.

Er zijn een hoop verschillende manieren om je te verdiepen in het beroep Biofysicus. Je kan een opleiding volgen, maar er zijn nog andere laagdrempelige manieren om aan die kennis te komen. Hieronder kan je diverse boeken, Ebooks of DVDs vinden waarmee je meer kan leren over de functie en de inhoud van het beroep Biofysicus. Er zijn boeken voor de beginner of voor de Biofysicus die verder wilt ontwikkelen binnen het vakgebied.

De 99 beste boeken voor een Biofysicus:

Imaging in Nuclear Medicine

Imaging in Nuclear Medicine

Imaging in Nuclear Medicine - Engels | E-book | 9783642314155

This volume addresses a wide range of issues in the field of nuclear medicine imaging, with an emphasis on the latest research findings. Initial chapters set the scene by considering the role of imaging in nuclear medicine from the medical perspective and discussing the implications of novel agents and applications for imaging. The physics at …

Epilepsy as a Dynamic Disease

Epilepsy as a Dynamic Disease

Epilepsy as a Dynamic Disease - Engels | Druk: 2003 | Hardcover | 9783540427629 | 417 pagina's

The first book to bring together experts in epilepsy, bio-engineering and dynamical systems theory, to discuss the possibility of treating epilepsy by controlling mechanisms that cause seizures. It includes a unique reference database with more than 1000 references, including hard-to-access references in the Russian literature.



Biophysics - Engels | Druk: 1 | Hardcover | 9780691138916 | 640 pagina's

Interactions between the fields of physics and biology reach back over a century, and some of the most significant developments in biology--from the discovery of DNA's structure to imaging of the human brain--have involved collaboration across this disciplinary boundary. For a new generation of physicists, the phenomena of life pose exciting challenges to physics itself, …



Physics - Engels | E-book | 9788892594326

The Physics of Aristotle is one of the foundational books of Western science and philosophy. The Physics is composed of eight books, which are further divided into chapters. In this article, books are referenced with Roman numerals, chapters with Arabic numerals. Additionally, the Bekker numbers give the page and line numbers used in the Prussian …



Gonadotropins - Engels | Druk: 1 | Hardcover | 9780128010587 | 230 pagina's

Gonadotropins: From Bench Side to Bedside, the latest volume in the Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science series, focuses on all aspects of gonadotropins, from research to treatment.



Physics - Engels | Druk: 1 | Paperback | 9780486813516 | 240 pagina's

Written in the fourth century BCE by Greek philosopher and scientist Aristotle, Physics set out to define the principles and causes of change, movement, and motion. For 2,000 years ― until discoveries by Galileo, Newton, and other scientists ― this treatise was the primary source for explanations of falling rocks, rising flames, the circulation of …

Image Processing using Pulse-Coupled Neural Networks

Image Processing using Pulse-Coupled Neural Networks

Image Processing using Pulse-Coupled Neural Networks - Engels | Druk: 3 | Hardcover | 9783642368769 | 238 pagina's

Image processing algorithms based on the mammalian visual cortex are powerful tools for extraction information and manipulating images. This book reviews the neural theory and translates them into digital models. Applications are given in areas of image recognition, foveation, image fusion and information extraction. The third edition reflects renewed international interest in pulse image processing …



Paradox - Engels | Druk: 1 | Paperback | 9780307986795 | 239 pagina's

A fun and fascinating look at great scientific paradoxes. The paradoxes Al-Khalili offers are drawn chiefly from physics and astronomy and represent those that have stumped some of the finest minds.

Handbook of Small Animal Imaging

Handbook of Small Animal Imaging

Handbook of Small Animal Imaging - Engels | Druk: 1 | Hardcover | 9781466555686 | 602 pagina's

The use of small animal models in basic and preclinical sciences constitutes an integral part of testing new pharmaceutical agents prior to their application in clinical practice. New imaging and therapeutic approaches need to be tested and validated first in animals before application to humans. Handbook of Small Animal Imaging: Preclinical Imaging, Therapy, and Applications …

Molecular Theory of the Living Cell

Molecular Theory of the Living Cell

Molecular Theory of the Living Cell - Engels | Druk: 2012 | Hardcover | 9781461421511 | 748 pagina's

The book presents the first comprehensive molecular theory of the living cell ever published since the cell doctrine was formulated in 1838-1839. It introduces into cell biology over thirty key concepts, principles and laws imported from physics, chemistry, computer science, linguistics, semiotics and philosophy. The author formulates physically, chemically and enzymologically realistic molecular mechanisms to …

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