Boeken Directeur Categoraal Onderwijs

Voordat de Directeur Categoraal Onderwijs die functie bekleedde was hij docent. Voor docenten is de arbeidsmarkt gunstig, dus iemand met leidinggevende ambities komt in ieder geval makkelijk binnen. Het aantal categorale scholen neemt toe, evenals het aantal directiefuncties. Een Directeur Categoraal Onderwijs kan zijn bevoegdheden rond het maken van beleid uitbreiden en zo doorgroeien naar een hogere schaal. Hij zou eventueel verder door kunnen de managementladder op, of overstappen naar bredere scholen, waarmee zijn takenpakket gevarieeerder en zijn invloed op beleid groter wordt.

Er zijn een hoop verschillende manieren om je te verdiepen in het beroep Directeur Categoraal Onderwijs. Je kan een opleiding volgen, maar er zijn nog andere laagdrempelige manieren om aan die kennis te komen. Hieronder kan je diverse boeken, Ebooks of DVDs vinden waarmee je meer kan leren over de functie en de inhoud van het beroep Directeur Categoraal Onderwijs. Er zijn boeken voor de beginner of voor de Directeur Categoraal Onderwijs die verder wilt ontwikkelen binnen het vakgebied.

De 99 beste boeken voor een Directeur Categoraal Onderwijs:

Qualities of Effective Principals

Qualities of Effective Principals

Qualities of Effective Principals - Engels | Paperback | 9781416629955 | 30 april 2021 | 277 pagina's

What does it take to be a good school principal? No two principals work exactly the same way, but research shows that effective principals focus on a core set of factors critical to fostering success. This book delineates these factors and show principals how to balance the priorities of their schools while developing their leadership …

Hack Learning- Hack Learning Anthology

Hack Learning- Hack Learning Anthology

Hack Learning- Hack Learning Anthology - Engels | Paperback | 9780986104992 | 25 januari 2017 | 148 pagina's

Hack Learning Anthology is een boek van Times 10 Publications

Routledge Research in Educational Leadership- Empirical Understanding of School Leaders’ Ethical Judgements

Routledge Research in Educational Leadership- Empirical Understanding of School Leaders’ Ethical Judgements - Engels | Hardcover | 9781032192284 | 30 december 2022 | 170 pagina's

This volume offers a holistic, empirically grounded examination of the factors which influence educational leaders’ ethical judgments in their day-to-day work in schools.



Excellence - Engels | Paperback | 9781475855470 | 18 december 2019 | 142 pagina's

Join Dr. Esposito, the principal of a school with a reputation for eating administrators alive, on her journey to becoming a great educational leader and influencer. Dr. Esposito uses foundational leadership books to create a leadership philosophy centered around servant leadership to students while creating 360-degree leaders within the school.

Relações de Convivência, Conflito, Indisciplina e Violência em Escolas Públicas

Relações de Convivência, Conflito, Indisciplina e Violência em Escolas Públicas

Relações de Convivência, Conflito, Indisciplina e Violência em Escolas Públicas - Portugees | E-book | 9788547321185 | 09 maart 2020 | Adobe ePub

Este livro, intitulado Relações de convivência, conflito, indisciplina e violência em escolas públicas: análise de um programa de governo, das autoras Angela Maria Martins, Maria Helena de Aguiar Bravo e Rosimeire Souza de Oliveira, apresenta resultados da pesquisa financiada pelo Edital Universal do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq, processo 445406/2014-3) e pela …

The Trust Revolution in Schools

The Trust Revolution in Schools

The Trust Revolution in Schools - Engels | E-book | 9781000074499 | 31 mei 2020 | Adobe ePub

Teachers are some of the kindest, most altruistic and smartest people on the planet yet despite the best of intentions, fearful atmospheres can arise organically within schools, leaving people feeling disempowered, anxious, isolated and frustrated. Why is this? What are the impacts? And, crucially, how do we resolve it? Ofsted, accountability, funding, workload and societal …

The Vetting of Wisdom

The Vetting of Wisdom

The Vetting of Wisdom - Engels | Paperback | 9780648899808 | 05 juli 2021 | 450 pagina's
Equity Visits

Equity Visits

Equity Visits - Engels | E-book | 9781544338156 | 07 augustus 2019 | Adobe ePub

Because equity and instruction are inextricably bound Why are equity visits such a critical first step to increasing opportunity and access for our under-served students? Because they take instructional rounds to a new level, providing a powerful lens for investigating the intersections of equity and instruction. After all, how can we possibly deliver equitable learning …

Weekly Teacher Planner

Weekly Teacher Planner

Weekly Teacher Planner - Engels | Paperback | 9782348107399 | 25 maart 2021 | 148 pagina's
Meet the Principal

Meet the Principal

Meet the Principal - Engels | Paperback | 9781733245906 | 28 juli 2019 | 310 pagina's

Most of us have experience with school, either as a student, a parent or maybe as a teacher. But few people have experienced walking in the shoes of a school principal. Meet the Principal is a collection of stories from one principal's experiences.

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