Boeken Milieukundig Voorlichter

Het milieu is een onderwerp dat steeds belangrijker wordt, waardoor er nog vacatures te vinden zijn voor een Milieukundig Voorlichter. Het aantal vacatures is wel beperkt. De doorgroeimogelijkheden zijn verder afhankelijk van de positie waarin men terecht komt. Mogelijk kan men doorgroeien tot hoofd voorlichting.

Er zijn een hoop verschillende manieren om je te verdiepen in het beroep Milieukundig Voorlichter. Je kan een opleiding volgen, maar er zijn nog andere laagdrempelige manieren om aan die kennis te komen. Hieronder kan je diverse boeken, Ebooks of DVDs vinden waarmee je meer kan leren over de functie en de inhoud van het beroep Milieukundig Voorlichter. Er zijn boeken voor de beginner of voor de Milieukundig Voorlichter die verder wilt ontwikkelen binnen het vakgebied.

De 100 beste boeken voor een Milieukundig Voorlichter:

Silent Spring

Silent Spring

Silent Spring - Engels | Druk: 40 | Hardcover | 9780618253050 | 400 pagina's

A handsome anniversary edition of the classic environmental study discusses the reckless annihilation of fish and birds by the use of pesticides and warns of the possible genetic effects on humans, in a volume that incorporates new essays by Terry Tempest Williams and Linda Lear.



Geodiversity - Engels | Druk: 2 | E-book | 9781118525098 | 512 pagina's

The first book to focus exclusively on the subject, Geodiversity, Second Edition describes the interrelationships between geodiversity and biodiversity, the value of geodiversity to society, as well as current threats to its existence. Illustrated with global case studies throughout, the book examines traditional approaches to protecting geodiversity and the new management agenda now being implemented. …

The Sustainable City

The Sustainable City

The Sustainable City - Engels | Druk: second edition | Paperback | 9780231196550 | 336 pagina's

Living sustainably is not just about preserving the wilderness or keeping nature pristine. The transition to a green economy depends on cities. Economic, technological, and cultural forces are moving people out of rural areas and into urban areas. If we are to avert climate catastrophe, we will need our cities to coexist with nature without …

Under a White Sky

Under a White Sky

Under a White Sky - Engels | Hardcover | 9780593136270 | 256 pagina's

The Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Sixth Extinction returns to humanity's transformative impact on the environment, now asking: After doing so much damage, can we change nature, this time to save it? From her coverage in The New Yorker, Elizabeth Kolbert has become one of our most important writers on the environment. Now she investigates …

Space And Place

Space And Place

Space And Place - Engels | Druk: 0025 | Paperback | 9780816638772 | 248 pagina's

A study of the ways in which people feel and think about space, how they form attachments to home, neighborhood, and nation, and how feelings about space and place are affected by the sense of time. Since it is the breadth and universality of his argument that concerns Yi-Fu Tuan, experience is defined as 'all …



HET ZAL ONS WORST ZIJN - Nederlands | Druk: 1 | Hardcover | 9789402159363 | 152 pagina's

HET ZAL ONS WORST ZIJN 1e druk is een boek uitgegeven bij Brave New Books. ISBN 9789402159363 Onze Westerse eetgewoonten en verslaving aan dierlijke eiwitten als hamburgers heeft al veel vijanden gemaakt bij andere culturen. Introductie van methoden van intensieve veehouderij in het Midden en Verre Oosten versnellen dit proces. Coronavirussen als MERS (41%) en …

Global Environmental Politics

Global Environmental Politics

Global Environmental Politics - Engels | Druk: 2nd New edition | Paperback | 9781138895355 | 272 pagina's

Global Environmental Politics is the perfect introduction to this increasingly significant area. This fully revised and updated new edition combines an accessible introduction to the most important environmental theories and concepts with a series of detailed case studies of the most pressing environmental problems. Features and benefits of the book: Explains the most important concepts …

The Politics of Knowledge and Global Biodiversity

The Politics of Knowledge and Global Biodiversity

The Politics of Knowledge and Global Biodiversity - Engels | Druk: 1 | E-book | 9781317913481 | 320 pagina's

The establishment of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) points to the crucial role attributed to science and knowledge for the successful implementation of biodiversity politics by both scientists and policy-makers. With the increased importance of biodiversity in international politics, and in part inspired by the success the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate …



Harmony - Engels | E-book | 9780061989889 | 336 pagina's

In this informational, inspirational work, Charles, the Prince of Wales, describes his views on climate change for the first time, presenting a compelling case that the solution to this problem lies in our ability to regain our balance with nature.

Wastewater Management Through Aquaculture

Wastewater Management Through Aquaculture

Wastewater Management Through Aquaculture - Engels | Druk: 1 | Paperback | 9789811356100 | 335 pagina's

This volume provides state-of-the-art information on soil-water interactions in wastewater systems, characterization of wastewater, modes of treatment, safety of wastewater use, water conservation technologies involved in recycling of sewage in fish culture, biogeochemical cycling bacteria and nutrient dynamics, ecosystem resilient driven wastewater reclamation, bioremediation, aquaponics, ecological integrity, culture practices of fish farming, microbial food web …

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