Boeken Nanotechnoloog

Er is een gemiddelde vraag naar Nanotechnologen. Door succesvol te zijn en goed onderzoek af te leveren kan de Nanotechnoloog doorgroeien.

Er zijn een hoop verschillende manieren om je te verdiepen in het beroep Nanotechnoloog. Je kan een opleiding volgen, maar er zijn nog andere laagdrempelige manieren om aan die kennis te komen. Hieronder kan je diverse boeken, Ebooks of DVDs vinden waarmee je meer kan leren over de functie en de inhoud van het beroep Nanotechnoloog. Er zijn boeken voor de beginner of voor de Nanotechnoloog die verder wilt ontwikkelen binnen het vakgebied.

De 97 beste boeken voor een Nanotechnoloog:

Colloid and Surface Chemistry

Colloid and Surface Chemistry

Colloid and Surface Chemistry - Engels | Paperback | 9780367379018 | 19 juni 2019 | 278 pagina's

With principles that are shaping today's most advanced technologies, from nanomedicine to electronic nanorobots, colloid and interface science has become a truly interdisciplinary field, integrating chemistry, physics, and biology. Colloid and Surface Chemistry: Exploration of the Nano World- Laboratory Guide explains the basic principles of colloid and interface science through experiments that emphasize the fundamentals. …

Additive Manufacturing Technologies

Additive Manufacturing Technologies

Additive Manufacturing Technologies - Engels | Hardcover | 9783030561260 | 11 november 2020 | 675 pagina's

This textbook covers in detail digitally-driven methods for adding materials together to form parts. A conceptual overview of additive manufacturing is given, beginning with the fundamentals so that readers can get up to speed quickly. Well-established and emerging applications such as rapid prototyping, micro-scale manufacturing, medical applications, aerospace manufacturing, rapid tooling and direct digital manufacturing …

Radical Abundance

Radical Abundance

Radical Abundance - Engels | E-book | 9781610391146 | 07 mei 2013 | 368 pagina's | Adobe ePub

K. Eric Drexler is the founding father of nanotechnology -- the science of engineering on a molecular level. In Radical Abundance, he shows how rapid scientific progress is about to change our world. Thanks to atomically precise manufacturing, we will soon have the power to produce radically more of what people want, and at a …

Advanced Material Series - Biosensors Nanotechnology

Advanced Material Series - Biosensors Nanotechnology

Advanced Material Series - Biosensors Nanotechnology - Engels | E-book | 9781118773819 | 26 juni 2014 | 552 pagina's | Adobe ePub

This book provides detailed reviews of a range of nanostructures used in the construction of biosensors as well as the applications of these biosensor nanotechnologies in the biological, chemical, and environmental monitoring fields Biological sensing is a fundamental tool for understanding living systems, but also finds practical application in medicine, drug discovery, process control, food …

Luminescent Materials in Display and Biomedical Applications

Luminescent Materials in Display and Biomedical Applications

Luminescent Materials in Display and Biomedical Applications - Engels | Hardcover | 9780367112127 | 19 november 2020 | 282 pagina's

The book gives the impact of the photoluminescence and study of rare earth doped phosphors for fluorescent lamps, TV tubes, electroluminescent display devices, high quality image intensifiers and SSL (Solid State Lightening), LED (Light Emitting Diode).

Concepts Of Nanochemistry

Concepts Of Nanochemistry

Concepts Of Nanochemistry - Engels | Paperback | 9783527325979 | 12 augustus 2009 | 282 pagina's

Authored by one of the pioneers and a rising star in the field, this textbook bridges chemistry, materials science and physics. It is written in a conversational manner with many examples, making it enjoyable to read and for browsing through topics. Authored by a rising star in the field and one of its pioneers, this …

Science at the Nanoscale

Science at the Nanoscale

Science at the Nanoscale - Engels | Paperback | 9789814241038 | 31 juli 2009 | 227 pagina's

Introduces the basic principles and knowledge needed for students to understand science at the nanoscale. Many ideas proposed in nanotechnology are frontier and futuristic, although some have immediate technological applications. The core scientific prin

Emerging Materials and Technologies- Functional Biomaterials

Emerging Materials and Technologies- Functional Biomaterials

Emerging Materials and Technologies- Functional Biomaterials - Engels | Hardcover | 9781032170893 | 13 september 2023 | 424 pagina's

This book emphasizes fundamental concepts of biomaterials science, structure-property relationships and processing methods, and biological responses in biomedical engineering. It focuses on recent advancements in biomedical applications, such as tissue engineering, wound healing, drug delivery, cancer treatments, bioimaging, and theranostics.

Nanotechnology for Hematology, Blood Transfusion, and Artificial Blood

Nanotechnology for Hematology, Blood Transfusion, and Artificial Blood

Nanotechnology for Hematology, Blood Transfusion, and Artificial Blood - Engels | Paperback | 9780128239711 | 30 september 2021 | 586 pagina's

Nanotechnology for Hematology, Blood Transfusion, and Artificial Blood outlines the fundamental design concepts and emerging applications of nanotechnology in hematology, blood transfusion and artificial blood. This book is an important reference source for materials scientists, engineers and biomedical scientists who are looking to increase their understanding of how nanotechnology can lead to more efficient blood …

NanoScience and Technology - Low Dimensional Semiconductor Structures

NanoScience and Technology - Low Dimensional Semiconductor Structures

NanoScience and Technology - Low Dimensional Semiconductor Structures - Engels | E-book | 9783642284243 | 14 september 2012 | Adobe ePub

Starting with the first transistor in 1949, the world has experienced a technological revolution which has permeated most aspects of modern life, particularly over the last generation. Yet another such revolution looms up before us with the newly developed capability to control matter on the nanometer scale. A truly extraordinary research effort, by scientists, engineers, …

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