Boeken Nanotechnoloog

Er is een gemiddelde vraag naar Nanotechnologen. Door succesvol te zijn en goed onderzoek af te leveren kan de Nanotechnoloog doorgroeien.

Er zijn een hoop verschillende manieren om je te verdiepen in het beroep Nanotechnoloog. Je kan een opleiding volgen, maar er zijn nog andere laagdrempelige manieren om aan die kennis te komen. Hieronder kan je diverse boeken, Ebooks of DVDs vinden waarmee je meer kan leren over de functie en de inhoud van het beroep Nanotechnoloog. Er zijn boeken voor de beginner of voor de Nanotechnoloog die verder wilt ontwikkelen binnen het vakgebied.

De 97 beste boeken voor een Nanotechnoloog:

Institute of Food Technologists Series - Nanotechnology and Functional Foods

Institute of Food Technologists Series - Nanotechnology and Functional Foods

Institute of Food Technologists Series - Nanotechnology and Functional Foods - Engels | E-book | 9781118462171 | 21 april 2015 | 408 pagina's | Adobe ePub

The continued advancement in the sciences of functional foods and nutraceuticals has clearly established a strong correlation between consumption of bioactives and improved human health and performance. However, the efficacy and bioavailability of these bioactive ingredients (e.g., omega-3 oils, carotenoid antioxidants, vitamins, and probiotic bacteria) in foods often remains a challenge, due to their instability …

Issues in Contemporary Oil Paint

Issues in Contemporary Oil Paint

Issues in Contemporary Oil Paint - Engels | E-book | 9783319101002 | 10 november 2014 | Adobe ePub

This volume represents 27 peer-reviewed papers presented at the ICOP 2013 symposium which will help conservators and curators recognise problems and interpret visual changes on paintings, which in turn give a more solid basis for decisions on the treatment of these paintings. The subject matter ranges from developments of paint technology, working methods of individual …

Introduction to Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

Introduction to Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

Introduction to Nanoscience & Nanotechnology - Engels | Hardcover | 9781420047790 | 22 december 2008 | 1593 pagina's

Focuses on applications, examining engineering aspects as well as nanomaterials and industry-specific applications in such areas as energy, electronics, and biotechnology.

Advanced Nanoelectronics

Advanced Nanoelectronics

Advanced Nanoelectronics - Engels | Hardcover | 9781439856802 | 17 december 2012 | 424 pagina's

While theories based on classical physics have been very successful in helping experimentalists design microelectronic devices, new approaches based on quantum mechanics are required to accurately model nanoscale transistors and to predict their characteristics even before they are fabricated. Advanced Nanoelectronics provides research information on advanced nanoelectronics concepts, with a focus on modeling and simulation. …

Colorful Notebook with a Floral Design

Colorful Notebook with a Floral Design

Colorful Notebook with a Floral Design - Engels | Paperback | 9787576102475 | 01 januari 2021 | 102 pagina's
Nanoscale Biophysics of the Cell

Nanoscale Biophysics of the Cell

Nanoscale Biophysics of the Cell - Engels | Hardcover | 9783319774633 | 23 april 2018 | 386 pagina's

Macroscopic cellular structures and functions are generally investigated using biological and biochemical approaches. The cell is found to hold various physical structures, molecular machines, and processes that require physical and mathematical approaches to understand and indeed manipulate them. Macroscopic cellular structures and functions are generally investigated using biological and biochemical approaches. But these methods are …

Perspectives in Nanotechnology - Nanotechnology and the Public

Perspectives in Nanotechnology - Nanotechnology and the Public

Perspectives in Nanotechnology - Nanotechnology and the Public - Engels | E-book | 9781351833769 | 19 december 2017 | Adobe ePub

From nuclear power to gene therapy to the automobile, history shows that it is useful to encourage and facilitate public discussion about new technologies and their potential dangers. Part of the series Perspectives in Nanotechnology, Nanotechnology and the Public: Risk Perception and Risk Communication assesses results from focus groups, interviews, and other resources to provide …

Green Energy and Technology - Triboelectric Nanogenerators

Green Energy and Technology - Triboelectric Nanogenerators

Green Energy and Technology - Triboelectric Nanogenerators - Engels | E-book | 9783319400396 | 17 augustus 2016 | Adobe ePub

This book introduces an innovative and high-efficiency technology for mechanical energy harvesting. The book covers the history and development of triboelectric nanogenerators, basic structures, working principles, performance characterization, and potential applications. It is divided into three parts: Part A illustrates the fundamental working modes of triboelectric nanogenerators with their prototype structures and theoretical analysis; Part …

Ongekende overvloed

Ongekende overvloed

Ongekende overvloed - Nederlands | Paperback | 9789088030383 | 30 september 2014 | 288 pagina's

In 'Ongekende overvloed' vertelt K. Eric Drexler hoe nanotechnologie een plaats kreeg in de wetenschap en cultuur, en laat hij zien hoe onze wereld door de steeds snellere ontwikkeling in nanotechnologie hard op weg is om een heel ander aanzien te krijgen. Dankzij fabricage op basis van nanotechnologie, met atomaire bouwstenen die in overvloed aanwezig …

Introduction to Optical Microscopy

Introduction to Optical Microscopy

Introduction to Optical Microscopy - Engels | Hardcover | 9781108428309 | 01 augustus 2019 | 462 pagina's

This fully updated, self-contained textbook covering modern optical microscopy equips students with a solid understanding of the theory underlying a range of advanced techniques. Two new chapters cover pump-probe techniques, and imaging in scattering media, and additional material throughout covers light-sheet microscopy, image scanning microscopy, and much more. An array of practical techniques are discussed, …

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