Boeken PR Adviseur

PR is van alle tijden. Er zal dan dus ook altijd behoefte zijn aan mensen die de pr in goede banen kunnen leiden. Op het moment dat het economisch minder gaat is het pr-budget echter wel vaak hetgeen waar de organisatie in gaat snijden. Dit is natuurlijk van invloed op de werkgelegenheid van de pr adviseurs. Maar over het algemeen is het werk en arbeidsperspectief van een pr adviseur goed te noemen.

Bij goed functioneren kan een pr adviseur doorgroeien naar een meer strategische functie als pr adviseur of promoveren naar pr- of communicatiemanager


Er zijn een hoop verschillende manieren om je te verdiepen in het beroep PR Adviseur. Je kan een opleiding volgen, maar er zijn nog andere laagdrempelige manieren om aan die kennis te komen. Hieronder kan je diverse boeken, Ebooks of DVDs vinden waarmee je meer kan leren over de functie en de inhoud van het beroep PR Adviseur. Er zijn boeken voor de beginner of voor de PR Adviseur die verder wilt ontwikkelen binnen het vakgebied.

De 100 beste boeken voor een PR Adviseur:

Attractive Charisma

Attractive Charisma

Attractive Charisma - Engels | E-book | 9791221397123 | 09 september 2022 | Adobe ePub

This book (Attractive Charisma) will teach you how to develop your personality with solid skills to stand out, exude confidence, and captivate people. It will show you a sure pathway to confidently approach and excel in any social setting. Attractive Charisma is a book that will automatically change how you interact with others. It will …

Organizational Listening

Organizational Listening

Organizational Listening - Engels | E-book | 9781454190196 | 18 februari 2016 | Adobe ePub

Organizations, which are central in contemporary industrialized and post-industrial societies, including government departments and agencies, corporations, and non-government organizations, claim to want and practice two-way communication, dialogue, and engagement with citizens, customers, employees, and other stakeholders and publics. But do they in reality? Voice – speaking up – is recognized as fundamental for democracy, representation, …

Customer Centricity

Customer Centricity

Customer Centricity - Engels | Paperback | 9781613631027 | 26 mei 2020 | 150 pagina's

A powerful call to action, Customer Centricity upends some of our most fundamental beliefs about customer service, customer relationship management, and customer lifetime value. Despite what the old adage says, the customer is not always right. Even companies that can seemingly do no wrong-like the coffeehouse giant Starbucks-have only recently started to figure this out. …

Management for Professionals - Storytelling in Organizations

Management for Professionals - Storytelling in Organizations

Management for Professionals - Storytelling in Organizations - Engels | E-book | 9783662563830 | 31 maart 2018 | Adobe ePub

This book highlights storytelling as a concrete and viable method which can be used in various operational fields in organizations: from change management to project management and knowledge management, it presents employees’ stories on past projects and the diverse, essential aspects of corporate culture they reveal, in an easy-to-comprehend and entertaining fashion. These stories focus …

Voor Dummies - PR voor dummies

Voor Dummies - PR voor dummies

Voor Dummies - PR voor dummies - Nederlands | Paperback | 9789045353548 | 15 februari 2017

Hoe kom je bij journalisten onder de aandacht? Of beter nog: hoe zorg je ervoor dat jouw nieuws als een lopend vuurtje de ronde doet bij je doelgroep? Dit en veel meer lees je in de pocketeditie van PR voor Dummies. Je leert het perfecte persbericht schrijven, een pr-plan opstellen, succesvol interviews geven en effectief …

Building a Culture of Inclusivity

Building a Culture of Inclusivity - Engels | Paperback | 9781398610392 | 03 juni 2023 | 256 pagina's

Learn how to use internal communications to create and sustain an inclusive workplace and ensure everyone feels like they belong and that they are valued.

The Event Manager's Bible 3rd Edition

The Event Manager's Bible 3rd Edition

The Event Manager's Bible 3rd Edition - Engels | Paperback | 9781472143464 | 24 januari 2019 | 336 pagina's

The authoritative guide to planning, organising, managing and delivery events of all size Anyone responsible for organising a public or voluntary event will want to do it safely and in compliance with legislation, delivering a memorable and fun day for all involved This book will help you to research, plan, organise, manage and deliver any …

Breaking Through

Breaking Through

Breaking Through - Engels | E-book | 9781647823962 | 28 maart 2023 | Adobe ePub

A Wall Street Journal Bestseller Pfizer's trailblazing communications leader, Sally Susman, reveals how we can break through the noise to get our message across and make positive change. A global pandemic. A roller-coaster economy. Political tensions ready to ignite, and common civility at an all-time low. For leaders, the pressures and the stakes could not …

Biography of an Idea

Biography of an Idea

Biography of an Idea - Engels | E-book | 9781497698673 | 07 april 2015 | Adobe ePub

The father of public relations looks back on a landmark life spent shaping trends, preferences, and general opinion A twentieth-century marketing visionary, Edward L. Bernays brilliantly combined mastery of the social sciences with a keen understanding of human psychology to become one of his generation’s most influential social architects. In Biography of an Idea, Bernays …

From Altoids to Zima

From Altoids to Zima

From Altoids to Zima - Engels | E-book | 9780743276474 | 09 november 2004 | Adobe ePub

Ever wondered what the Ms in M&Ms stand for? If Scotch tape was invented in Scotland? Why a cereal that contains neither grapes nor nuts is called Grape Nuts? Who thought Gap was a good name for a clothing store? From the Adidas we wear to the Volkswagens we drive, the daily lives of Americans …

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