Boeken Social Media Manager

Het gebruik van sociale media is de afgelopen jaren flink gegroeid. Hierdoor is de vraag naar Social Media Managers gestegen. Door ervaring op te doen en succesvol sociale media voor organisaties in te zetten kan de Social Media Manager doorgroeien naar grotere projecten en bedrijven.

Er zijn een hoop verschillende manieren om je te verdiepen in het beroep Social Media Manager. Je kan een opleiding volgen, maar er zijn nog andere laagdrempelige manieren om aan die kennis te komen. Hieronder kan je diverse boeken, Ebooks of DVDs vinden waarmee je meer kan leren over de functie en de inhoud van het beroep Social Media Manager. Er zijn boeken voor de beginner of voor de Social Media Manager die verder wilt ontwikkelen binnen het vakgebied.

De 43 beste boeken voor een Social Media Manager:

Der Social Media Manager

Der Social Media Manager

Der Social Media Manager - Duits | Hardcover | 9783836236973 | 572 pagina's

Technical Analysis in the Commodity, Energy & Power Markets

Technical Analysis in the Commodity, Energy & Power Markets - Engels | Hardcover | 9780956400338 | 25 februari 2011 | 164 pagina's

Technical Analysis in the Commodity, Energy & Power Markets comprises interviews with 12 analysts and investment managers. Each chapter provides in-depth explanations of the specific strategies they find most effective in trading and analysing the full range of these markets.

Social Media Manager

Social Media Manager - Duits | Hardcover | 9783836273848 | 621 pagina's
Instagram Planner- Instagram planner

Instagram Planner- Instagram planner

Instagram Planner- Instagram planner - Engels | Paperback | 9781678093655 | 01 maart 2021 | 122 pagina's
Deusto - La enciclopedia del community manager

Deusto - La enciclopedia del community manager

Deusto - La enciclopedia del community manager - Spaans | E-book | 9788423429363 | 10 april 2018 | Adobe ePub

En tan sólo diez años hemos asistido a la que posiblemente sea la mayor revolución tecnológica de la historia de la humanidad. La popularización de las redes sociales y de las conexiones a internet de alta velocidad ha cambiado por completo la forma en la que los individuos se relacionan entre sí y cómo lo …

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing - Italiaans | E-book | 9788885691872 | 25 oktober 2020 | Adobe ePub

I social media costituiscono la realtà virtuale di oggi, ma che cosa sono davvero, come puoi trarne vantaggio e perché dovresti davvero interessarti? Innanzitutto, chiariamo fin da subito che se pensi che i social media siano una mania che presto scomparirà, non potresti essere più lontano dalla verità. I social media sono un fenomeno dell’era …

Online Marketing Manager

Online Marketing Manager

Online Marketing Manager - Duits | E-book | 9783960103882 | 08 september 2020 | -240985

Das Standardwerk für Ihre erfolgreiche Online-Marketing-Praxis Grundlagen und Best Practices zu allen wesentlichen Aufgabenbereichen des Online-Marketings In der 2. Auflage neu: Content Marketing, Influencer Marketing, Daten und KI im Online-Marketing, Storytelling, Chatbots und mehr Für Unternehmen jeder Größe und aller Branchen geeignet Mehr als ein Dutzend bekannte und versierte Expert*innen geben in 15 Kapiteln ihr …

Social Media for Project Managers

Social Media for Project Managers

Social Media for Project Managers - Engels | E-book | 9781935589396 | 05 januari 2021 | Adobe ePub

Social Media for Project Managers goes beyond Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to explore a whole range of collaboration tools available online like wikis, microblogs and document management tools. It aims to show the practicality of using these collaborative tools to support the project management process and how they are being used in the larger, ever-changing …

Corporate Culture Practices of German Corporations in the Host Country Indonesia

Corporate Culture Practices of German Corporations in the Host Country Indonesia - Engels | Paperback | 9783658392888 | 14 oktober 2022 | 261 pagina's

This study addresses the corporate cultural practices of German companies in the host country Indonesia from the perspective of Indonesian employees, managers and German expatriates. This study addresses the corporate cultural practices of German companies in the host country Indonesia from the perspective of Indonesian employees, managers and German expatriates. The focus is on the …

Social Media Marketing and Web Content Editing 1 - The Valuable Strategic Handbook for Social Media Managers

Social Media Marketing and Web Content Editing 1 - The Valuable Strategic Handbook for Social Media Managers

Social Media Marketing and Web Content Editing 1 - The Valuable Strategic Handbook for Social Media Managers - Engels | E-book | 6610000329496 | 02 januari 2022 | Adobe ePub

The Valuable Strategic Handbook for Social Media Managers: Discover the Secrets to Managing Your Online Presence! Welcome to the fascinating world full of opportunities of social media management! If you’re looking for an engaging experience that allows you to master winning strategies for effectively managing your online presence, then “The Valuable Strategic Handbook for Social …

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