Boeken Social Trader

Het arbeidsmarktperspectief voor Social Traders is redelijk. Je kunt eigenlijk alleen aan de slag bij grote, beursgenoteerde bedrijven. Overigens kun je er ook voor kiezen om een traineeship te doen en door te groeien naar een functie als Trader.
Je start als Trader. Bij goede resultaten kun je een Social Trader worden door je strategieën te laten volgen door computersoftware. 
Er zijn een hoop verschillende manieren om je te verdiepen in het beroep Social Trader. Je kan een opleiding volgen, maar er zijn nog andere laagdrempelige manieren om aan die kennis te komen. Hieronder kan je diverse boeken, Ebooks of DVDs vinden waarmee je meer kan leren over de functie en de inhoud van het beroep Social Trader. Er zijn boeken voor de beginner of voor de Social Trader die verder wilt ontwikkelen binnen het vakgebied.

De 65 beste boeken voor een Social Trader:

Trans-Himalayan Traders

Trans-Himalayan Traders

Trans-Himalayan Traders - Engels | Druk: 2 | Paperback | 9789745242012 | 242 pagina's

Trans-Himalayan Traders is een boek van James F. Fisher

Ausgewahlte Methoden der Mitarbeitergewinnung uber das Internet

Ausgewahlte Methoden der Mitarbeitergewinnung uber das Internet

Ausgewahlte Methoden der Mitarbeitergewinnung uber das Internet - Duitstalig | Druk: 1 | Paperback | 9783656010333 | 82 pagina's

Projektarbeit aus dem Jahr 2011 im Fachbereich BWL - Personal und Organisation, Note: 1,3, AKAD-Fachhochschule Leipzig, Veranstaltung: Abschluss Praxissemester BWL-Studium, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: In Zeiten rasanten technischen Fortschritts, einer immer kurzer werdenden Halbwertzeit des Wissens und zunehmender Globalisierung werden die Anforderungen an das Personal in Organisationen, Einrichtungen und Unternehmen immer hoher. Das zieht die Notwendigkeit …

Traders in Motion

Traders in Motion

Traders in Motion - Engels | Hardcover | 9781501719820 | 264 pagina's

With essays covering diverse topics, from seafood trade across the Vietnam-China border, to street traders in Hanoi, to gold shops in Ho Chi Minh City, Traders in Motion spans the fields of economic and political anthropology, geography, and sociology to illuminate how Vietnam's rapidly expanding market economy is formed and transformed by everyday interactions among …

The Jumanos

The Jumanos

The Jumanos - Engels | Druk: 1 | Paperback | 9780292730847 | 298 pagina's

In the late sixteenth century, Spanish explorers described encounters with North American people they called Jumanos. Although widespread contact with Jumanos is evident in accounts of exploration and colonization in New Mexico, Texas, and adjacent regions, their scattered distribution and scant documentation have led to long-standing disagreements: was Jumano simply a generic name loosely applied …

The McGillivray and McIntosh Traders

The McGillivray and McIntosh Traders

The McGillivray and McIntosh Traders - Engels | Druk: Annotated edition | Paperback | 9781603060141 | 330 pagina's

In this volume, Amos J. Wright Jr. compiles and presents the source materials relating to the lives and careers of Laughlin McGillivray and Alexander McGillivray. The volume represents tweny years of meticulous detective work, during which the author has ferreted out details previously unknown, has clarified some of the problems raised by previous research, and …

Efik Traders of Old Calabar

Efik Traders of Old Calabar - Engels | Hardcover | 9781138586383 | 178 pagina's

Originally published in 1956 this book contains extracts of the 18th century diary of an Efik chief and documents the activities of slave-traders, the rituals of the Egbo society and many details of domestic life of among the Efik. This volume includes an English translation to the diary which was originally written in Pidgin. .

The Chinook Indians

The Chinook Indians

The Chinook Indians - Engels | Druk: New edition | Paperback | 9780806121079 | 372 pagina's

The Chinook Indians, who originally lived at the mouth of the Columbia River in present-day Oregon and Washington, were experienced traders long before the arrival of white men to that area. When Captain Robert Gray in the ship Columbia Rediviva, for which the river was named, entered the Columbia in 1792, he found the Chinooks …

Forager-Traders in South and Southeast Asia

Forager-Traders in South and Southeast Asia

Forager-Traders in South and Southeast Asia - Engels | Druk: illustrated edition | Hardcover | 9780521815727 | 312 pagina's

In both South and Southeast Asia, many upland groups make a living - in whole or part - through gathering and hunting, producing not only subsistence goods but commodities destined for regional and even world markets. These forager-traders have had an ambiguous position in ethnographic analysis, variously represented as relics, degraded hunter-gatherers, or recent upstarts. …

African Studies

African Studies

African Studies - Engels | Druk: New title | Paperback | 9780521534444 | 212 pagina's

During the first colonial period (the Turkiyya, 1821-85), the Shendi region of the Northern Sudan was inhabited by peasants, traders and nomads. This book analyses socio-economic change among the peasants and traders during this formative period of Sudanese history. Administration, agriculture and trade in transition from a pre-colonial to a colonial economy are discussed. Anders …

Traders Without Trade

Traders Without Trade

Traders Without Trade - Engels | Paperback | 9780521040310 | 204 pagina's

The word dyula means 'trader' in the Manding language. It is also the name of certain Manding-speaking ethnic minorities in parts of northern Ivory Coast, who, for centuries before the advent of colonial rule, enjoyed a virtual trading monopoly over the local region. In the first part of this book Robert Launay describes two Dyula …

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