Werken bij WSquared Media Werken bij WSquared Media

Werken bij WSquared Media

WSquared Media
Marketing & Communicatie
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Over WSquared Media

WSquared Media is a Dutch company specialized in competitive gaming (e-sports). Throughout the years WSquared Media developed her own brands and acquired several licenses of strategic value.åÊ

In the Benelux competitive gaming market, WSquared Media is current leader in providing both private and business customers of high quality services. The company aims to support and develop e-sports in the Benelux trough organizing competitions and hosting the biggest e-sports community.

Some of the brands include:
Gamelux - E-sports community providing news and articles (online/print/events/web-tv)
Gearlux - Webshop offering professional gaming gear
Electronic Sports League (ESL) - gaming competition (online/offline events/web-tv)

During past competitions, we awarded over ‰â 30.000 of prize money and fully funded trips to international tournaments in Paris, San Francisco, Moscow and Cologne

Via the aforementioned brands we have a monthly reach of over 250.000 unique users.


Ervaringen van anderen die werken bij WSquared Media

Gemiddelde beoordeling: 0,0
Salaris & Voorwaarden:
Carrière & Groeimogelijkheden:
Sfeer & Collega's:
Flexibele Tijdsindeling:
Werkinhoud & Doelstelling:
Persoonlijke Ontwikkeling:
Aantal reviews: 0
Werkplek & Locatie:
Initiatief & Zelfstandigheid:
Cultuur & Leiding:
Balans Werk/Privé:
Lunch(mogelijkheid) & Koffie:

Laatste reviews

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Vacatures bij WSquared Media

Voor dit bedrijf zijn er op dit moment geen vacatures.