Boeken Technisch manager
Technisch manager is geen functie waar een bedrijf er veel van heeft. Dientengevolge zijn er vaak binnen de organisatie niet veel doorgroeimogelijheden. Het is vaak een functie die op een punt in een doorgroeitraject van een bedrijf ligt, zodat er veelal mensen terecht komen die voorheen een andere functie in hetzelfde bedrijf vervulden.
Algemene managementfuncties behoren dan nog tot de opties, hoewel iemand met technische én bedrijfskundige expertise een goed technisch consultant maakt (eveneens goed betalend werk). Dus er zijn buiten de organisatie vaak goede mogelijkheden, vooral wanneer de technisch manager leergierig is en meegaat met de laatste ontwikkelingen. Dit vergroot de makrtwaarde van de Technisch manager enorm.
Er zijn een hoop verschillende manieren om je te verdiepen in het beroep Technisch manager. Je kan een opleiding volgen, maar er zijn nog andere laagdrempelige manieren om aan die kennis te komen. Hieronder kan je diverse boeken, Ebooks of DVDs vinden waarmee je meer kan leren over de functie en de inhoud van het beroep Technisch manager. Er zijn boeken voor de beginner of voor de Technisch manager die verder wilt ontwikkelen binnen het vakgebied.De 9 beste boeken voor een Technisch manager:

Safety Managers Guide to Office Ergonomics
Safety Managers Guide to Office Ergonomics - Engels | Hardcover | 9780470257609 | 09 april 2009 | 200 pagina'sOffering an accessible guide to the problems and solutions of work-related disorders and office ergonomics, Safety Managers Guide to Office Ergonomics uses real-life examples that can be easily mimicked to fix any of the common problems readers may face in their workplace. Easy-to-implement advice for comfortable, productive work environments Safety Managers Guide to Office Ergonomics …

UX Fundamentals for Non-UX Professionals
UX Fundamentals for Non-UX Professionals - Engels | Paperback | 9781484238103 | 12 september 2018 | 349 pagina'sDemystify UX and its rules, contradictions, and dilemmas. This book provides real-world examples of user experience concepts that empower teams to create compelling products and services, manage social media, interview UX candidates, and oversee product teams. From product decisions to performance reviews, your ability to participate in discussions about UX has become vital to your …

Proactive Law For Managers
Proactive Law For Managers - Engels | Hardcover | 9781409401001 | 23 december 2010 | 172 pagina'sDeals with contracts and contracting, showing their profound impact on business strategy and how you as a manager can design your contracts and contracting processes so that they promote business success and prevent problems.

Management Practice and Creative Destruction
Management Practice and Creative Destruction - Engels | Hardcover | 9781472424884 | 28 juli 2015 | 305 pagina'sHow do managers and leaders know what to do when they are caught off guard or taken by surprise? How do they create when they do not know what to do next? These are challenges of an organizational world of existential uncertainty; one where the future does not conform to but challenges our expectations and …

Safety Management
Safety Management - Engels | Hardcover | 9780824750404 | 07 september 2007 | 298 pagina'sOffers a guide to the world of safety planning and compliance, OSHA inspections, workplace violence, ergonomics, recovering from the hidden losses of downtime, the intricacies of ADA, and more. This book emphasises on maximizing productivity and standards compliance while minimizing injuries, liabilities, and downtime.

Bioterrorism - Engels | Hardcover | 9780824721589 | 26 juli 2005 | 280 pagina'sIn the current climate of terrorism, the facility manager is in a more critical position than ever before. Protecting the organization's building and its occupants from chemical, biological, and radiological (CBR) attacks that are designed to disrupt and/or destroy business operation is becoming an increasingly important priority for facility managers using practice management. Bioterrorism: A …

Managing Health at Work
Managing Health at Work - Engels | Hardcover | 9780419229803 | 25 februari 1998 | 179 pagina'sReviewing the developments in the field of workplace health from a practical point of view, this book provides essential guidance in managing health at work. It gives specific examples of good practice and alerts the reader to relevant guidelines surrounding issues such as stress, cancer, HIV and AIDS, RSI, health eating and exercise.

Shiftwork Safety and Performance
Shiftwork Safety and Performance - Engels | E-book | 9781000157611 | 26 juli 2020 | Adobe ePubAs more employees work non-routine hours, often in critical safety and security positions, recognizing and reducing stress and the human error it causes is more important than ever. Performance problems caused by unconventional work schedules and resulting fatigue are a significant cause of industrial accidents, lost productivity, and high medical costs. Shiftwork Safety and Performance …

Malevolent Managers
Malevolent Managers - Engels | E-book | 9781134805235 | 15 mei 2017 | Adobe ePubDr Terry A. Sheridan employs a new and unique theoretical perspective to examine how malevolent, tyrannical and mediocre managers commonly use violence in the workplace, not necessarily physical violence, but bullying, overt and covert emotional abuse - all forms of negative behaviour that are damaging to individuals and organisations. The theoretical basis for the author’s …